However we got here and whatever politics and opinions surround - TopicsExpress


However we got here and whatever politics and opinions surround the day, I think its important to find time to be thankful for the blessings in your life and so I count myself among the fans of Thanksgiving, not because of the Pllgrims or because its part of our history, but because, like Christmas, another holiday I still celebrate and always will, its about bringing people together and taking time to honor family and friends. Thanksgiving, in particular, means a lot because were often so busy trying to achieve our goals, we often forget to take time to be thankful for what weve already achieved. This will be my first thanksgiving in my own home and Ill miss my family up north, but our little family here in the Treme, me and Brian and the dogs and a couple good friends, will be thanking the spirits for our own bounty. To all of you, a Happy Thanksgiving. Take time to remember all that youve done. Blessings to all!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:51:03 +0000

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