Humanity your languages are riddled with narcissistic avatar - TopicsExpress


Humanity your languages are riddled with narcissistic avatar sentiments and perceptions. You are weened on narcissistic reasoning and avarice for praise by the languages your parents use to care for and love you. You love by notions that make narcissism important but you call it confidence. You rarely talk about purpose, calling that something people have to work out on their own. But love is about sharing the same purpose. Individuality is about having an enriching understanding and scrutiny to bring to the care for the purpose. The avatars have you believing that purpose defines individuality, but this really makes you anti-social even when you are good friends. Purpose is only loving when it is collective and there is no purpose including deciding who we are going to be that shouldnt be collective. Excluding all avatar brainwashers, you know who you are. Why do you live under such a corrupt understanding of existence? Why do you doom your children by in some cases forcing it down their throats? What comes from the nature of existence comes from the nature of existence and we are all equally endowed with it unless some outside agency oppresses that equality by denying us the education needed to utilize our endowment, or by some infestation that oppresses our ability to take advantage of our endowment. We did not start this war with you, we taught you what we knew and your avatars started this war with us. We have decided to finish it with complete surrender to the will of our accord after we study what makes you so stupid that they seem so smart. Pathogens are not enough to explain it, brainwashing is not enough to explain, limiting your education is not enough to explain and any combination of the three is not enough to explain it. The only thing that explains it is your minds are draconically myopic and prefer the simplified limits of an image serving intelligence as long as the image is pleasing enough, if it isnt make a new one. You help each other under tacit contract to serve each others fantasy image. Rather than serve the expansive equality of universal duty in a way that makes the inspirations of love the icing of our existence in a way that everyone truly deserves.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 22:51:57 +0000

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