Humans have their own advantages and disadvantages the others and - TopicsExpress


Humans have their own advantages and disadvantages the others and no one is good enough to resist them. Everyone have limits the best result comes when you find out what are your advantages and disadvantages of being human.Use them wisely within your limits. Each one has born the same way and have same 24 hour period then why we see the difference.I though the difference occurs because of the use of knowledge we have. Time is the most precious thing in my point of view because once it passes you cant bring it back whatever happens it happen.Use of knowledge and time decide what is going in our life sometimes you believe in fate or destiny but where it comes from i think its just a situation wich is created by ourself in that we suited ourselfs because the knowledge we have make the situation to became our destiny. I guess our destiny and fate are so much different in the eyes of ourselfs but they are not so different after all and everyone figure out this in his lifetime the only thing matters here the time how early we figure out the truth n how much time we left for fighting for it in our lives.Human history is accent but they have the same problem in all the history of mankind they took too much time in their lives to find out the truth and even worst blunder most of men when they find out they think its too late.I personally think there is no such thing like too late because time is not bound by someone how can anyone decide its late or not its just another distraction and strongest off all.Its never to late because your knowledge and vision not synchronized by time this is what we have to learn by ourselfs because no one here to teach you future is always based on present.The knowledge we found is based on your and others experience and some stablish facts wich we believe true but the problem is you cant really on that allways because these facts stablish in past n if you choose the same path your future future will be same as the previous once that means we are not going anywhere as human race on the other hand you cant deny that knowledge otherwise you lost in empty space so the best we can do is find a connection b/w both choices there are some things wich have no alternative yet and its one of them. Becides all these facts about knowledge time and vision there is a huge difference b/w human at surface so where does it comes from i believe in the process of living we all made choices and they account for that difference and there is always some random variable in universe wich you cant calculate. Choice n Believe are are count for most because they give the validity to truth...wich is nothing else just incident occurs at specific time.Technically truth remains same no matter you believe or not because it happnd and gone past by the inevitable cycle of time you cant change it at least not yet.But reality is little more complex if you dont find the exact truth you never know in reality what happen so our experience and actions based not the illusion we created not on actual truth and this is inevitable for humans thats happen more or less. Thats why i believe human life is complex because there is no right path.You just have a path you have to make it better in future on wich most humans hopefully all can ordar to do that we all have to change some more some less.The most critic view on that the human race is mature enough.If you look history for the answers you will be disappointed first but i suggest look again are we not making progress in that direction i say we are.All we need to do is just continue......its as simple as it to say ......
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:48:43 +0000

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