Hunter x Hunter 2011 episode 121 review: intrusion, Youpis - TopicsExpress


Hunter x Hunter 2011 episode 121 review: intrusion, Youpis evolution, and complete loss. Gon was on some next level shit this episode, even though he figured out Shiapoufs ability from the get go, just sitting there, damn, this kid means business, no wonder Neferpitou is scared shitless right now, and pouf sees that, shes completely broken by the Kings order for Komugi, and by Gons bottled up rage. Gon has not 1, but 2 Chimera Ants by the balls right now, this kid is amazing, bending the monstrosities to his resolve, hope Killua recharges his batteries soon, because shit is about to go down. Killua no doubt has control of what he says, and Merleoron wasnt wrong to doubt him neither was he in a position to ask, but knowing Killua, he should know that whatever hes feeling he always get the job done. Looks really are deceiving, at first glance a good while back some would say that Youpi was arguably the dumbest of the Chimera ants and the royal guards, but now, evolved into something much more..continuing to demonstrate that the ants are highly adaptive creatures who are always learning, whether they want to or not, as was his case. Who wouldve thought that Youpi could possess that level of intelligence and rationale, evolving way beyond his senseless and destructive demeanor, and at the same time looking down on, as well as acknowledging the tenacity of these weak try hard human beings. Youpi has mastered not only his abilities, but also his mind, all 3 of them shouldve died right there but Youpi, he was the surprise of this entire episode, not only did he break them by letting them live, he was even extending a hand to them of sorts acknowledging their challenge and encouraging them while expressing its futility, that would break anyones resolve, so knuckles emotions are in the right place, and Morel didnt die, thank god, to last as long as he did with a worn out body was the epitome of remarkable, hes an irreplaceable character. With the appearance of Knov Im sure it upset a lot of people, that being even though hes a coward that came back, his level of fear is over exaggerated, sure, the ants aura are over whelming, but that doesnt mean he should be losing his hair and his youth over it, Gon and Killua, even Ikalgo are enduring this and putting him to shame, its just silly at this point, turning him into an old man at the expense of conveying fear. Either way, its on to the next one as knuckles fighting spirit isnt completely broken by the fact that he lost the one way to defeat Youpi thus endangering everyone else, but instead setting his eyes on supporting his teammates and by the sound of it hes heading to where pouf is, which is also where Gon is, and Killua is headed. The Verdict: a 9.5/10, tons of character development for Youpi with that evolution, and also a good amount of story progression, things are hinting toward the king so we should see whats going on over there soon enough if the pacing continues to be this good.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:55:26 +0000

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