I AM CHECKING STORIES. IT SEEMS THAT THEIR MAY BE TWO VESSALS THAT WERE SANK NEAR VANCOUVER ISLAND FIFTY YEARS AGO AND BOTH HAD RADIOACTIC CARGO. HAS ANYONE DOWN THERE USED A GIG ER COUNTER ON WHAT YOU CATCH? THIS IS A SUMMERY OF SEVEAL EMAILS TO D.E.C. (NO NAMES) THERE IS MORE TO THIS STORY THAN MEETS THE EYE, CHECK IT OUR YOURSELVES. So, OK, now you’re dribbling in a little more information. Near Vancouver Island, 6 rods. That narrows things down a little better, think along those lines not the hype. Lukenbach is off of San Francisco and has an active response going right now, although it sank in the 40’s or 50’s. The USS Independence is a navy aircraft carrier that was contaminated by radiation during the Bikini Atoll atomic tests, it was brought up near Vancouver Island somewhere and sunk in the 60’s. THE PROBLEM IS JOHN, I HAVE NO IDEA AS TO WHAT. I WAS GIVEN THE SHORT GIST OF THE STORY OUT OF KETCHIKAN. THE MAJOR QUESTION IS, HOW BURIED IS THE STORY? ARE WE BURNING CHILDREN WITH HOT FISH? THE NEWS CAME FROM A HAZMAT TECH. DID EITHER ONE OF THE TWO SINK OFF VANCOUVER ISLAND? DID BOTH CARRY6 HOT RODS? HOW DEEP ARE THEY? IS THE EPA IGNORING THIS TOTALLY? Need more than that to try to track it down. Are you referring to the Jacob Luckenbach or maybe the USS Independence? JOHN, WHAT INFO IS AVAILABLE ABOUT A SUNKEN BARGE OFF THE US-CANADIAN COAST, SOUTH OF ALASKA? I AM TOLD THIS BARGE HAS A LOAD OF RADIOACTIVE PEODUCTS AND IS POISONING OUR SEALIFE THAT WE EAT HERE IN ALASKA. IT IS THE OLD QUESTION,,,,WHO,WHAT, WHEN, WHERE AND WHY
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 10:23:42 +0000

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