I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED! Today is the first - TopicsExpress


I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED! Today is the first day Ive posted anything regarding the Ferguson/ BROWN case since it first happened. Frankly I am not surprised by the outcome. In fact, I was somewhat prepared for it, therefore I was not shocked or outraged with the jurys decision. Like many of you, I too, am disappointed that this just SEEMS like another instance that further validates how BLACK LIFE is devalued in our country! TRUTH be known, I believe that M. Brown was not totally innocent in this situation, provoking and even assaulting the officer. That being said, I DO, however, believe that officer could have incapacitated Brown without taking his life! Officer Wilson should have been indicted and NOT lauded by some and ultimately used as a centerpiece by the media to only further exploit and exacerbate the issue. NOW, I dont know how all of this will eventually play out but what I DO know is - VIOLENCE is NOT the answer! Maybe in some instances it is necessary but in this case those ENERGIES would be more advantageous towards strengthening our communities, rather than destroying them! And while I can UNDERSTAND why a few of our folk resort to such behaviors, it does not mean I have to like it or condone it! WE have been better than that and still can be. We dont have to JUST march anymore. We are not powerless! We can help ourselves if we just work together. Those who can focus on the Michael Brown case/criminal justice system should, while the rest of us (instead of just being angry and violent about it) should focus on family/community, voting, schools/education, jobs, health/wellness, racial and gender appreciation/equity and whatever else you PERSONALLY can bring to the table.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 20:59:24 +0000

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