I AM, WE ARE. An excerpt of #wisdom. You cant believe - TopicsExpress


I AM, WE ARE. An excerpt of #wisdom. You cant believe everything you read on the internet but I read an intriguing article that had this to say about breath, meditation, and self empowerment. Ive edited it to be readable, but the info is still the same. Incredible simple information! #mustread! Breath is the magnet of nowness. It was the element that brought the human being into nowness by being aware of their breathing. I also learned that there were different kinds of breathing that enabled this sense of nowness to penetrate more vividly. “The point is that simply being aware of my breath helped, or as they put it, to center me in stillness. This, by the way, doesn’t mean that you’re in a quiet room. You can be in a meeting at work, and center yourself in stillness through your breath. But by being in this internal centeredness I was in a better position to feel my own sense of expression, and that’s what was missing in my initial efforts to integrate this process. I didn’t have a good starting point for my practice of the heart virtues, and I was directing them outward—to other people or events, and not myself first. “Once I made that adjustment, it helped me to identify my essence and distinguish it from my mind system. Life essence is authentic in oneness and equality and exclusively moves in nowness. ........The Heart Virtues ♡♡♡ “Appreciation or gratitude, compassion, humility, forgiveness, understanding and valor or courage. It is the combination of nowness—being in the now—and applying these words in our behaviors. It’s being impeccable in this practice.” My 2 cents: Add Joy!!!!!!! So this is the application of insertive behavior, which is to say, I will insert these behaviors in my nowness. They will become the pallet of my behavioral choice. “The other half of this equation is the resistive behaviors, and these are withdrawing and stopping behaviors that support separation and deception. These are active resistances. “Again, whether you operate in the insertive or resistive behavioral mode, you are affecting the whole. You either support oneness and equality, the I AM WE ARE, or you support separation and deception, also known in our reality, as the status quo. “The starting point of behavior or expression is in the now. This is the creative nerve center. Every single now is a potential to support oneness and equality in this world and help birth the evolved human collective. “Yes, but I want to mention that the relationship is to a Creator, not a god. The Creator is in all life. God is more of a parent and, in religious circles, a father figure who is humanized to such a degree that we can pray to god to give us things, help us remove obstacles, crush our enemies and so on. Creator is aligned to oneness and equality, while god is aligned to separation and fear. “First Source is the Creator of life—the manifest reality of all existence. The Creator lives within life as the infinite spark that connects all life as equals in oneness. It is not here to be humanized. It cannot be humanized, or for that matter, reduced to any other life form or thing. The Creator is the conjoining of all existence in the equality of oneness, and when that occurs, then god exists. When it does not, there is no god in existence, only a Creator. It is really that simple. “Okay, I think I understand… so I want to go back to this process. You said it has two main parts, insertive behaviors and resistive behaviors. You also mentioned something about breath, but I didn’t hear you say anything specific about it.” “Yes, the breath is an important way to bring you into self-awareness. It’s like a quantum light turning on that illuminates your life essence—that part of you that is before and beyond humanity. You’re able to sense and begin to re-experience this infinite being that is you. “The breath is something that anyone can use without a lot of complication, and obviously, it’s always with you. It doesn’t require any technology or expertise. It’s really just a way to shift attention to the core of your self. The guides write about quantum breathing or quantum pause. It’s a technique from Philosophy Seven.” “Can you explain it?” “It’s very simple. You breathe in through your nose for about 2-4 seconds or whatever’s comfortable for you. Once you’ve filled your lungs, you pause or hold your breath for the same amount of time you breathed in. While you’re in the pause—holding your breath—feel it like a suspension of time, and fill that space with the feeling of I AM.” “Okay, sorry to interrupt, but tell me again, what is the I AM feeling? How do you define it? “It’s the sovereign aspect of consciousness. It’s not the personality that defines your human experience, or you typically associate with as yourself. It is the infinite consciousness of you. It is also one. I is one. It is one thing: infinite life. It is not the mind, nor the heart, nor the body, nor the feelings and emotions of the personality. It is singular in its depth and silence.” AM meaning coupled with existence and manifestation. “Okay, go on…” “After you hold the breath in your lungs, and anchor it with the I AM feeling, you exhale through your mouth, again for the same period of time, and then you pause again—your lungs are empty, and as you pause, you hold the feeling of WE ARE. Then you repeat this cycle until you feel you’re done. “Can you explain the WE ARE feeling, too?” “This is the sense of connection to all. The sense that you are connected and that the I AM feeling you held a moment ago, is being shared with all. I use the outbreath pause to place any of the heart virtues that I’m working on at the time. For example, I might be working on the virtue of compassion in my personal life, and I can hold that feeling in that outbreath pause and imagine it is being shared with all.” Hope this blesses you! #Namaste ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 07:34:30 +0000

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