"I Am the Reason you have hope. I Am your Salvation. I Am the - TopicsExpress


"I Am the Reason you have hope. I Am your Salvation. I Am the Answer to your peril. I Am the Light in the darkness. I Am the Leader of the blind. I Am the Way to the Source. I Am the Healer of the wounded. I Am the Bearer of your burdens. I Am the Completion of Man. I Am the Union of God and Man. I am YahuShua, and I come from My Father, The Father of Lights, YaHuWaH. Preeminence. Most High. The Heart of Existence. I AM. Let yourself go and return to Me, and be forever One in Me. Let go of this dying world, and cling to My Life that I freely give. Leave this darkness behind and know Me in My Light. Let go. Die. Die to yourself. Let Me live instead. That is the only Truth. I Am All That Is. Living apart from me is a lie and is rebellion. This will not continue. I will return all things to My Order. Glory will be returned to Me. Be One with My Glory. Let Me renew you. Let Me bring you back from the dead. Let Me give you the Life of Eternity. Let Me put Myself in you. Let Me remake you. Let Me give you My Image. Let Me give you My Spirit of Christ. Let Me reveal My Source within you. Let Me save you from the fires to come. For as I live, so they will come. I Am the Eternal Living One. My Cleansing will come. I will remove this present darkness, and establish My Eternal Order of Light. I will restore My Paradise, and no darkness will be found therein. Do not be found in the darkness, and thereby destroyed. Be found in My Light, and thereby Live Forever in Eternity. SUCH FANTASTIC GLORY BEYOND MEASURE! BEYOND ANYTHING CONCEIVABLE BY MAN! TRADE YOUR LIFE FOR IT! FOR YOUR LIFE IS WORTHLESS COMPARED TO ITS MAJESTY! HOW CAN THIS GLORY BE DECLARED BEFORE ITS COMING? HOW CAN THE BLIND KNOW THE THINGS OF SIGHT? HOW CAN THE DEAF HEAR? HOW CAN THE DEAD LIVE? YOU CANNOT SEE THE INFINITY THAT IS COMING! IT IS WORTH BEING TORTURED AND MURDERED FOR! IT IS WORTH EVERYTHING! I HAVE DELIVERED IT INTO YOUR HANDS! ACCEPT MY GIFT! RETURN TO ME! LIVE IN ME! I GIVE IT FREELY! I GIVE MYSELF FREELY TO YOU! WHY WOULD YOU REJECT ME OUT OF DOUBT OF MY BEING? YOU HAVE NO EYES TO SEE! LET ME GIVE YOU EYES AND REMOVE YOUR DOUBT! LET ME BRING YOU TO LIFE! LET ME GIVE YOU MY INFINITY! I PLEAD WITH YOU, WHY WILL YOU GIVE UP LIFE BECAUSE OF DOUBT? I HAVE INFINITY WAITING FOR YOU, IF YOU WOULD SIMPLY ASK FOR OPEN EYES!" - The Light of the World
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 08:58:32 +0000

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