I Do Not Trust Iran. Unfortunately, the Obama administration does. - TopicsExpress


I Do Not Trust Iran. Unfortunately, the Obama administration does. The foreign policy of the United States is a train wreck of epic proportions. They make a short term treaty with Iran within two weeks of the Iranians announcing that they were building two new nuclear plants & after being told that the sanctions against Iran was having positive effect. Iran is one of the biggest sponsors of terrorist organizations in the world. And Iran has NEVER disavowal their desire to destroy Israel. This being said, the U.S. foreign policy have apologized, embarrassed & deteriorated our standing around the world in the last five years. Think Im exaggerating? Give a past occasions a brief review. Good relations with Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Pakistan, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea & Russia are riddled with doubts about our reliability. We let our ambassador & three other Americans get Murder in Benghazi, Libya & not even the murderers were brought to justice. They were seen walking freely about without any fear of our retribution or prosecution. Both sides in Syria were avowed enemies of the American people, but we were willing to attack the Assad regime on behalf of the Syrian rebels who also had the support of Hezbollah, Al Qaeda & Iranian Islamic Guards. Who wanted to be on either side of that dog fight? Obama, Kerry & McCain blustered that they should get military aid & launch missiles against the Assad government. The Russians stepped in & negotiated, without threat of a missile attack that was open-ended with a now what scenario & made our solutions to the problem clumsy & stupid in comparison. If your going to intimidate somebody, try to be convincing & have it thought out with a beginning, middle & end plan. They got caught eavesdropping & spying on our British, French & German allies. Oh yeah, and the American people. If youre going to do stuff like this, & everybody in the diplomatic circles do spy to some extent, let some one other than Larry, Curley & Moe do the job. They get threats from North Korea, I know, lets send Dennis Rodman to make nice with these thugs! Russias Alexander Putin makes jokes about how easy it is to eat Obamas lunch in discussions between our countries. We are being told if we surrender our guns & the ability to defend ourselves, theyve got our back. Assaults on our Constitutional rights, liberty, religious beliefs, culture & heritage will be prevented by converting our nation into a welfare state. And if they bankrupt the taxpayers, well we just expand the foreign debt limit! Yeah, Im ranting & seems like everybody should be too. Todays media back flips over talks with Iran as a victory on top of a pile of tragedy, its getting hard not to rant & rave.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 00:45:36 +0000

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