I HANG OUT WITH TREES HEAPS .... HERE IS SOME AMAZING INFO BOUT GIANT SEQUOIA OR RED WOODS (TREES) we have quite a few in the ville The ancient trees, the grand trees carry a far greater role than you realize. The Sequoia are Master Beings, record keepers, the crystals of the plant kingdom. These trees truly are portals. This is absolutely true. These enormous trees convert rain and ground water to coded water crystals. Marcel Vogel and Dr Emoto have shown you that water is conscious and capable of crystal patterning. The Sequoia, more than any other tree, absorb massive amounts of water and through their unique photosynthesis process, store solar energy in theta-coherency. Because of this extremely unique high frequency, higher dimensional beings, angels are able to manifest around the portal line energy of the Sequoia. The Sequoia are multi-dimensional gateways and exude a cascading field of incredible energy around them. This energy is both physical and etheric in frequencial- dimensional spectrum. The Sequoia are receivers of sacred energy codes. They stabilize and heal the human body physical and human emotional field. The energy they emit heals and seals the human aura, enabling the aura to carry optimal circuitry to enable entry into the Mer-Ka-Na state and absolutely facilitates lucid activation of the pineal crystal. The LeMurians knew this. They revered and honored the Sequoia and Redwood. Many of you were among them, and the awakening, the Green Ray Activation is a long awaited expansion. Many of you are called to anchor it, to receive the codes of the Emerald Flame and enter a realm of unimaginable peace and communication with all aspects of Gaia, and the Master Trees that serve you.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:02:41 +0000

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