I HATE that I have diabetes....and NO, Im not having a pity party - TopicsExpress


I HATE that I have diabetes....and NO, Im not having a pity party or wanting sympathy from everyone...I just need to vent! I went to my diabetes doctor this morning and things have gotten worse, when they were getting better before. my blood sugars have been all over the place at work and it doesnt matter what I eat, what I do or how much I change my regimen, Im either too low or too high. IT SUCKS. it makes you feel like you cant do anything right. diabetes rules my life most of the time and Im so sick of it. I just want to be able to live a normal life...to be able to do what I want, when I want. to be able to start a family when I want....and because of my disease I cant. its SO HARD to lose weight as a diabetic...and its making me really hate myself. I feel like Ive been so depressed lately between my blood sugars being bad, gaining weight, having trouble with my skin and money issues. its almost more than I can bear. I know God wont ever give you something you cant get through, but He must think Im WAY stronger than I think I could ever be....I dont know how Im ever going to overcome my diabetes and I feel like my life is completely out of my control right now, and I HATE it...I just wish I could ATLEAST get ONE thing under control. Im so thankful for my family and my fiancé for being there for me because without them I really think I would be COMPLETELY lost. I honestly dont have friends who are there for me on a regular basis, 99% of them are just there when its convenient for them and thats not right. anyway, my point is, Im REALLY needing support and prayers right now.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 19:25:17 +0000

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