I KNEW this existed!! Just didnt know what it was called. - TopicsExpress


I KNEW this existed!! Just didnt know what it was called. DSPS is a sleep disorder in which the cycle of sleep and wakefulness in a persons 24-hour day is significantly delayed. As a result, the clock-dependent alerting mechanism in our brains that releases the hormones that give us energy gets activated a lot later at night than we may like it to. This then translates to a person having trouble falling asleep at a desired time, instead either up and awake for too long or laying in bed with a racing mind. You can essentially think of it as jet lag--the exact same mechanisms are in play--minus the actual airplane flight. Sleeping in for the morning. The other side to DSPS is of course the morning, where its all too often a difficult endeavor to wake up on time for work or school. Naturally, being up very late can make it VERY difficult to wake up within the parameters of the persons daily schedule, i.e. a sufferer of delayed sleep phase syndrome who is unable to sleep before 2 to 4 am will subsequently have a real difficulty, or even complete inability, to wake up at a normal time the following day (or the necessary time for work or school). Of course, this then turns into into lost sleep if the individual does have to wake up early in the morning, perpetuating a cycle that can have serious consequences for everything from mood to alertness to productivity
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 17:16:48 +0000

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