I/ME MAYRILVA WOULD WARM You Charlize MY MAYRILVA PARTNER/Wife [AGAIN] AS FLAIRS INTENSITY INMENSELY, MUCH, PURE OUR{ME MAYRILVA&You Charlize} MUTUAL LOVE/LIKE/RMCE FOR EACH OTHER, UNDESTRUCTABLY NON-EXTINGISHABLE RE-BLOSSOM [AGAIN] SOON, IN A WHILE, IMMEDIATELLY!!! You havent know never the INMENSELY FORTALITY OF LOVE, WITH ME MAYRILVA You Charlize are going to know it; EVEN MYSELF MAYRILVA IT TOOK BY SURPRISE; THIS WHAT I/ME MAYRILVA POSTING You Charlize, NOT MEANING A RECONCILLIATION ME MAYRILVA&You Charlize YET, You since now wouldve to REALLY REALLY, AS EFFORTLY CONVINCE ME MAYRILVA You Charlize SINCERELY,HONESTLY FOR MYSELF LOVE ME MAYRILVA; NONE WEDDING FOR THAT NECESSARY, WE{ME MAYRILVA&You Charlize} ALREADY IN OUR{ME MAYRILVA&You Charlize} LONGTIME Spouse/Wife PARTNERSHIP AS OFFICIALLY SINCE YEAR 2010 COMMITMENT/AGREEMENT!!! Whitney WAS SINCE Year 2008 CORRECTLY,RIGHTLY,LAWLY/LAWFULY/LEGALLY MY MAYRILVA SISTERLY PARTNER{AS Whitney before she passed away SAID IT CLEARLY SELL AS COMBINED HINTING ME MAYRILVA REFERRING You Charlize ,Beth as SISTERS NOT SISTERLY PARTNERSHIP; Kardashian sisters, ME WITH Whitney AS SISTERS SISTERLY PARTNERSHIP, AS DENOUNCING CRIMINAL SISTERS}, NOT MY MAYRILVA WOMAN PARTNER/Wife c.q. You Charlize Theron! HUGE DIFFERENCE ALSO LEGALLY/LAWLY/LAWFULY,CORRECTLY,RIGHTLY, AS CLEARLY DELINIATED, ALSO REFERRING MY MAYRILVA late eldery husband, businesspartner,German compatriot Hans Riegel both he as Whitney R.I.P. even their passing away very different also!!! I/ME MAYRILVA SELFIE{SELFISH} REFERRING MANY as MOSTLY THINGS,MY MAYRILVA,.... INCLUDING OF COURSE You Charlize; LOGICALY , THERE ARE THINGS TO SAY IT ON A WAY AS TO SAY IT SIMPLY AS PLAINLY WERE,ARE AS WONT BE TO BE SHARED,AS SIMPLY I/ME MAYRILVA DIDNT, DONT AS WONT SHARE NEITHER!! [ I/ME MAYRILVA SHARED You Charlize 9 years with Steward,first with Bierkco, as another, after NOT, NEARLY 21 years waiting NOT A JOKE NEITHER Charlize, as I/ME MAYRILVA ARE GOING TO TELL You Charlize now, why Steward didnt want to have children with You Charlize, FIRST BECAUSE OF RESPECT TO ME MAYRILVA, secondly you werent the woman he wanted to have children with as adopt, third Steward also as You Charlize had a problem referring}!!! REFERRING Beth If one day Beth tell ME MAYRILVA Beth encountered a woman or man that she likes without troubling I/ME MAYRILVA WOULD LET Beth go, If It is really a good person for Beth as Moê!!! AS Beth{SISTERLY PARTNER} as Moê {MY ADDED STEPDAUGHTER}feel also very comfortable as protected with ME MAYRILVA FOR-INSTANCE!!!! Robin{cousin} did the huge mistake in her life marrying as disgracing from side her linked to ME MAYRILVA OUR FAMILY gene-line{sangineous} with CRIMINAL/DESGRASIADO/ASQUEROUS/TERRORIST/PORQUERIA sean penn{guess or try to think why Robin got a acting job in the movie/film with ben stiller created,produced,written,co-directed by ME MAYRILVA secret life mitty FOR-INSTANCE, as what really that movie/film means as what it describes} THAT CRIMINAL/DESGRASIADO/ASQUEROUS/TERRORIST/PORQUERIA sean penn; SUCH A PORQUERIA AS his accomplices,criminal accomplices THAT HE PRETENDED TO USE his own daughter that happens to be a niece from Robin side, to pretend to seduce ME MAYRILVA by the way I/ME MAYRILVA SUE het also as ME MAYRILVA WON ALSO THAT CASE, ONE OF THE REASONS I/ME MAYRILVA CLEARLY TOLD her mother Robin, to make her meet a nice guy, to possibly become his boyfriend, what indeed shes dating already since more than a year FOR-INSTANCE DUMB!! SAFE,GOOD AFTERNOON,EVENING,NIGHT AS DAY TOMMOROW Charlize MY MAYRILVA PARTNER/Wife!! MAYRILVA #ARR
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 00:33:07 +0000

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