I PRAY THAT UR FAITH FAILETH NOT……. Part 2 ..faith is ur - TopicsExpress


I PRAY THAT UR FAITH FAILETH NOT……. Part 2 ..faith is ur guarantor for God‘s protection around ur life. When u lose faith in God u ave lost protection against the devil and he will come to shift u as he likes….like a farmer shifting wheat wit ease...shift ur desire, ur thinkin, ur finances to whatever areas he desires to have u …God’ protection will leave u the day u lose faith in Him….u cannot be protected by wat u don’t believe in…by wat u do not accept….even a native doctor requires u believe and accept his charm for it to work for u Have u ever had a visit from a broker trying to sell u a policy?.... the broker will always be with u, calling u, coming to ur office, acting so nice and familiar…..such that even when u doubt the investment potential, even when u are not too sure about the whole thing…. It becomes difficult to say no….especially as they use ladies these days…..and u keep entertaining the person with drinks even as u keep postponing ur decision whether to invest or not But when u are able to endure his or her pressure and it finally becomes clear that u will not be cajoled to invest …. The broker will stop coming, wil stop callin u….even when u meet on the street u will be shocked whether it was the same person that was all over u as if u were the best thing in the world, but is know acting as if she doesn’t know u or u aren’t that important to her……becos it was never about u…it was about ur money, when it becomes clear she cant get to the money, she leaves u….. … It was not about you reaping a good profit on ur investment, or u having a secured financial future or a good retirement plan that she was after u…no! it was never about u!..but it was all about her getting to ur money, watever she was advertisin that u will gain from investing is not her concern, it was just her bait ….and when she cant get ur money, the broker leaves u and hates to even see u or wont cared about u anyway Likewise with the devil…he will be all over u…..even as u are resisting he will still be cajoling you with mouth wareting options..abeg now, abeg now bros? this one time now?…..but when it becomes clear that u will not be dragged to it….he does not walk away, he does not stand aside….but like the broker, he flees from u!....it was not about u, it was about ur soul …it was not about u having nice new cars or a new lady in ur life or having power and being prosperous that he wants to dragged u into that sinful activity, all these are just baits to get u to him..he does not care for u, he is just after ur soul and the day it becomes clear he cant have ur soul, he wont want to be with u anymore… .if u see urself still having a strong desire to engage in wat u know is wrong…it means u ave not yet send a strong and clear signal to the devil that u don’t want him, maybe u are still just thinkin about it…thinkin about forsakin all those activities but not yet made up your mind.. but the devil does not care about wat u think as long as u do not take action ..he only rates u from the action u take….remember the devil is not omniscience,..he does not know everytin u might decide …he only sees ur actions and the more u show him u still might be willing to do as he wants, he will believe he could bend u completely eventually ! Have u ever had a strong desire about something that u know is wrong?,,,or being in a strong situation or activity that u know is wrong for u to be in?.... and u keep tellin urself that u will not do it again whenever u fall to the temptation?...but u still see urself going back to it sooner than later? .. ..Back to the same person, to the same place, to the same action?.....well, the devil is still by the side with the demand on u,..he has not flee because u ave not truly resisted him….and even when u say no, like the stock brokerer, he will still be coming and be sayin abeg now?..abeg now? Reconsider now?....and u may find that u keep falling again and again!. ....at the beginning it would be hard to say no to such desires in u, to that person, to that thing u love doing….. it even gets harder to say no as u keep saying no…but if u can endure for a time..the time will come that it will be easy to say no to all such demonic desires and activities …and a time will come that u wil start to wonder why u were even doing that rubbish before?...and u will wonder why u were being so unfaithfull to such a beautiful wife of urs and all because of that ‘dirty little’ girl?...it means u are back to ur senses…the devil has flee from u… most of ur actions, and activities that u think are a product of ur smart planning..u tink it is ur senses, u tink u are so good not to be caught,….are notin but the plans of the spirit controlling u…u are just acting the script of the devil near u, it has notin to do with ur senses or intelligence, it has just to do with ur submission to external spirits ….u are just being shifted like wheat! .. If an unauthorized person is seen in a presidential gathering, the first question the security will like to find out is – how did he get in there?...likewise when u find the devil around ur life, the first question u should ask urself before shouting that u are under demonic attacks…the first question is how did he get in there?...because if u cant block him where he got in, many of his kind will come in….one trial to another will keep coming as more demons move in through the openin in ur life
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 17:15:15 +0000

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