I RE-POST ONLY BC LUCAS AND JUDIT ASKED WHY I TOOK IT DOWN WHEN THEY BOTH LIKED IT. THEY THOUGHT IT WAS VERY GOOD AND THAT PEOPLE WOULD THINK ABOUT IT IF THEY KNEW THEY SHOULD. BOTH LUC AND JUDIT THINK AT A HIGH LEVEL AND HAVE STRONG REALISM STREAKS FLOWING THROUGH THEM. :) My friend tells me he’ll send me some of his delicious-sounding, home-made foodstuffs. From his and others’ descriptions I can practically smell them, almost taste each delicacy. The generosity is a little overwhelming since he well knows that I have nothing to trade. I will produce no jams, jellies, breads, delicacy-meats, select cheeses. I begin to instruct myself on purchasing gift certificates. I had better look up what fine wine shops are in his area. The internet has a wealth of venders that will provide all sorts of delectable goodies. I need to decide which other-made goods will best compliment his homemade goodies. Then he says it: “I enjoy sharing.” What???? Did he really say that? I stop in mid-thought. He enjoys sharing? I shiver a minute. I don’t like to share. I don’t like the word. When I was a child I was forced to share my toys with my little brother. Sharing meant he was allowed to play with my toys. I never was allowed to play with the train that bellowed real smoke and blasted its horn. I had cousins who broke up their Christmas toys by March. To share meant I had to let my cousin break my talking Barbie with no hope of it ever being replaced. At university my grades reflect my effort and my ability. In employment my wages reflect the value of my labor to my employer. In both education and employment I reap what I sow. The more effort I invest, the more qualified I make myself, the higher my value to my employer, the higher my return. My teacher does not share my harvest unless he is teaching me via group projects where I learn to work with a team. Still if I don’t invest the proper effort my team drops me, my grade suffers. My employer does not share my harvest unless the government demands such sharing of them via forced taxation, regulated wages, or unionized thuggery. I didn’t teach my children to share. Actually, I never thought of it. His belongings were his responsibility. Obligations come with ownership. I bought her education, but she maintained control and dominion over it. I learned property law, and taught it my children, long before I went to law school. You come into this world with two assets (1) my affection for you which reaps unearned reward, and (2) the ability to exchange the product of your abilities for just reward. There was no room ‘to share’. It is my experience that affection comes with strings so your job is to enhance your abilities to maximize your own return. There is no way to live but by your wits. Street smarts in the middle-class. No, I am not a fan of the phase “to share”. In my experience “share” is the poor parallel to “compromise”. To compromise is to give in. To share is to give away. Either way, Ellen is devoid of choice, deprived of her possession, and left empty-handed. Patted on the head like an obedient recipient of ancient patriarchy and left bereft, naked, cold. So what is it that my friend enjoys? He doesn’t seem masochistic. He certainly isn’t mentally challenged. His thought processes are logical and coherent. I know him to be a solid Christian, but this is no spiritual balm. He isn’t a cornball, ultra-liberal, do-gooder who promotes the nanny-state and the idea that people must have the government make their decisions. Ah, there I have it! My friend doesn’t offer his neighbor’s goods. My friend isn’t forced to give me his goods. His decision is based on what he wants to do with the product of his labor. He is master of his creation. He can preserve his goods for the future, and I am sure he does ‘put up’ a portion, make his tithe, or not. But, sharing brings him pleasure because the product of his creation brings joy to others. The return on his investment is of nebulous tangibility. What about the receiver? I am happy not because free bounty falls on me, but because a friend values our friendship. I won’t go hungry should he decide to withhold his offerings until I meet his demands. However, my soul would suffer. It makes me happy that our friendship is worthy of the product of his labor. He has no expectation of return, may even be insulted at my attempt. As iron sharpens iron … we learn from each other. To share with no expectation of return is not the hardship. To share with no expectation of harm – now there is my challenge. In the meantime, I will savor each tasty morsel. Oh, you would like a taste? HAH!!! Go get your own friend – I didn’t embark on sharing yet! ~Grin~
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 19:03:04 +0000

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