I REFUSE TO SIGN THIS PETITION! ...and heres what I had to - TopicsExpress


I REFUSE TO SIGN THIS PETITION! ...and heres what I had to say about it... Hello watchdog.net, I dont know where exactly to take this, but I cannot sign the petition that aims to have Germany give Snowden asylum in exchange for his testimony. The reason is the wording of the petition. I dont think its appropriate for anyone to frame the terms of asylum in such a way as to use the very secrets that Snowden leaked as leverage against the United States by backhandedly exploiting these secrets to get Germany to acquiesce out of guilt and curiosity. That, to me, is a dirty game. Its also a conflict of interest. If Germany grants him asylum, it cannot be because Germany appears to want more information, or that Germany stands to gain a great deal from the relationship between itself and Snowden. That just cries foul. Call him a whistleblower. Fine. But then play by the rules that would garner him protections in the United States, like the Sarbanes Oxley laws and precedents. But seriously, trying to use the very treasonous acts to leverage a pawn like Germany in this war is just despicable. I will call that a mistrial, so reword the petition or you will not have my signature. In fact, good luck trying to convince me that you really had the right intentions going into this petition in the first place. Recant it, basically. Just recant it. Taking the typically unpopular road as usual, I am, Amrit Kohli!!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:36:31 +0000

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