I Remember I was a sophomore and we were in 2nd period, English - TopicsExpress


I Remember I was a sophomore and we were in 2nd period, English class with Nicole Caprio Willis . She was called out of the classroom for a moment. When she came back she explained to us that there had been an accident where an airplane hit one of the World Trade Centers. I didnt even know what the World Trade Centers were.... We flipped on the television and started watching the news. If I recall correctly Mrs. Willis had a family member who worked in one of the buildings so I believe she was in and out of the classroom talking to family members on her phone. Initially on the news it was reported as an accident. I dont recall at what point the country knew they were attacks...but I recall standing in the library with Terry Grider-Lloyd and Judy Trapp and watching the second plane strike the second tower. I think that is when I understood that someone was doing that on purpose.... It was horrifying and everything about the rest of that day revolved around the news stations. I was standing in the library still when the first tower fell...all I could think about was people inside those buildings...what it would have been like to be looking out your office window and seeing a huge plane flying at you...and what those last thoughts were about..... In each period of school that day we found ourselves watching the news. I wasnt even 16 yet and I hardly understood anything about the world or national politics.... I know that when health class rolled around Coach D decided that we had watched enough news for the day and turned it off and carried on with his lesson plans.... Not because he was a strict teacher but he understood that that was all we had done all day and needed to take our minds off of it.... I recall talking about the events in Mr. Gabeharts class... Where Shawn Mertz was always so riled up about government and politics...I recall having discussions with Stephen Hicks about the world trade centers... I didnt have a clue what those buildings were and Im sure he did....lol....I recall sitting on the front porch later that day talking to Alan Orr about what it all meant. Little did I know at 15 that my classmates and several other friends would end up going off and fighting in the war that began on that day. I recall waiting for my friend Adam to call from the Navy to say that he was okay and what they were doing. I remember watching the news all night and sleeping on the couch crying myself to sleep for the lives that were lost that day and what was to come in the days that followed. Those days that followed showed the heart of America like I had never seen...not sure Ive seen it since. There was a rallying together...regardless of color gender or social status we became one. Its sad that it takes such a tragedy for people to realize that this life isnt about us as individuals...its about us as a body. Regardless of your religion or spiritual beliefs... Loving one another and looking out for one another is always the answer. To not be so concerned about me but to recognize hurting people and stepping out to show some sort of expression of love...of camaraderie...lending a hand, a shoulder, a dollar, food,water, etc. I long for a world thats not so caught up in self but in looking at what they can do for others. I remember Sept. 11, 2001. Thank you to those that serve and protect...whether military, law enforcement, firefighting, EMS, and all others... I am truly grateful for you and what you sacrifice.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:41:41 +0000

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