I SAW HIM! I SAW ELOHIM, JEHOVAH GOD, YAHWEH SITTING ON THE THRONE! (Jesse Duplantis) I felt weaker and weaker as we approached the Throne room. It looked to me like millions of people were there. Looking around, I saw twenty-four empty seats near the Throne. I said, Ive read in the Scriptures about the twenty-four elders. (Revelation 4:4.) Those are their seats! Where are they? Jesse, were servants here, David told me as he had earlier. Theyre out in the city and in Paradise blessing and helping people. We help people here. Everyone serves. Somebody is always trying to do something for you. Someone will always ask, What can I do for you? Even the flowers turn toward you in an attitude of service. They turn and look at you. They dont have eyes, but they know youre there. And you cant smash them; they go through your legs. I would look down at a flower I had stepped on and think, Why didnt I smash it? You cant kill anything there. Theres no destruction. After seeing the way everyone served each other in heaven, I dont think God is looking for brilliant individualists. I believe Hes looking for team players. I remembered the account in the Bible when James and John, the sons of Zebedee, asked Jesus how they could have a special place in heaven. In Mark 10:43-45 Jesus explains:...but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. Angels Were Praising God There were several big angels with wings flying around the room. They were huge! Their faces were distinctive as though carefully chiseled. They looked like they had a thirty-foot wing span. The angel with me didnt have wings; he looked just like a human being. The closer I got to the Throne of God, the weaker I became, because of the glory of God. When people are coming to the Throne, you see Gods anointing on them, that glory on them, from the different levels. But when you get to the Throne, nothing compares to the glory of God. When the light from the Throne hit me I couldnt stand up; I fell down, and the angel gave me more of the fruit saying, Eat this so you can withstand the glory of God. I ate it, but my knees had just buckled. I stayed on the floor. Everyone else was standing up. For a lack of a better way of putting it, when you stand or fall at the Throne, Gods glory washes out your glory. His glory goes in you and on you. Everything in heaven is beautiful. The floor looked like marble with gold in it, gold threads or veins running through the marble. Although I couldnt look up for very long at a time, I looked up from the floor in the direction of the overwhelming Light, and I saw Him! I saw Elohim, Jehovah God, Yahweh sitting on the Throne! But I saw His feet—only His feet. The Light was so bright that came from Him, I couldnt see His face. Now I know why the Scripture says we cant see Jehovahs face and live—at least, I knew I couldnt! I had to keep looking down, the Light was so intense. But I looked again, and I saw the lower part of His hand resting on the arm of the Throne. He is so big—you cant describe Him in a dimension. His hand is huge! His body, the form of it, is sort of like energy, spirit. Theres a wall around the Throne, but the Throne is higher than the wall—thats why you can see the Throne from every direction, from a distance. And that power, that energy-like smoke of God, covers all around the chair of the Throne itself. I heard a sound, Whoooooosh! There was a massive amount of energy in that place. Thats the only way I can explain it. It was Gods power! You hear that noise, then the energy goes back into Him. There is smoke and power and noise—the place is noisy! And angels are hollering. The angels with wings were circling the Throne, singing and shouting, The Great God Jehovah! Every time they circled the Throne they praised God because they saw a new facet of Him they had never seen before. And they express what they see by saying Holy! Holy! Holy! Thats how vast God is! Even though the angels have been flying around Gods Throne since the beginning of their existence, they are still seeing new revelations of His character, His love and His glory! There was a cloud that looked like smoke going up from the Throne and I heard that massive sound, Whoosh! It was power like Ive never experienced in my life. Then I saw Gods finger barely move and when it moved, an angel that was flying near Him was thrown up against a wall. Bam! It didnt hurt the angel, but I felt if God just barely moved, a universe could be annihilated. Jesus Preached With Power! I was still lying on my face and getting weaker. In that mass of energy and power I could see God, Jehovah—His feet—sitting. There is a huge platform in front of the Throne like a stage. It seemed level to me, but actually it was raised. Everything in heaven is raised. The topography of the land goes up toward the Throne. Then out of that massive energy of Light and love and power I saw Jesus come in human form. There He was, like I had seen Him in Paradise. What seemed to be millions of people at the Throne of God fell down before Him. For the first time in my life, I could understand the Trinity in physical terms. Jesus came out of the cloud and the power of the Father. Jesus literally came out of the very existence of Jehovah God, and when He did, the people shouted. Jesus and the Father were One, yet They were Two. He was in the Father and the Father was in Him. He was at the right hand of God. When He came out of that power, He was in human form—something we could touch. All my life as a minister, I thought of Jesus as a teacher, a mild-mannered, calm person. When He came out onto the platform of that Throne, I could hear a sound from the Father, Whoosh! Whoosh! It was the sound of power! The Jesus I heard that day was not a teacher, even though obviously He can teach; He was a dynamic preacher. I had always thought of Jesus as being a quiet teacher, but He was full of power and preached with authority. All the people there were listening. Jesus preached with great emotion. I could see that He was torn with compassion for those who were still on earth. Jesus preached of His coming to earth. He said, I am going to get My Body, and My Body shall reside in this place that My Father has created for us all. There was a stirring among the people, and they began shouting and praising God. He began to shout: Im going to get your brothers! Im going to get your sisters! Im going to get your family! Im bringing them back to this place to live with Me forever and ever! He was a preacher full of victory, shouting and hollering! He was excited, and the people were screaming and hollering, too. As He preached, people—even though they were in new celestial bodies—fell under the power of God. Even in heavenly bodies they fell under Gods power! Then I heard Jehovahs Voice, saying, I am well-pleased. I was lying on the floor, trying to take in all that was happening. It was the most amazing, powerful experience I have ever gone through. I couldnt look at Jehovahs face, but I could look at Jesus. You see, the heart of God is the Father; the face of the Father is unveiled by the Son, Jesus; the Voice of God is heard through the Holy Ghost; the Hand of God is laid open through the Church. As Jesus was preaching, I saw Him turn around several times and look into that massive light. But I realized that I couldnt do that. I had to keep looking down, but I could look up long enough to see glimpses of what was around me, and I could see Jesus face. I could hardly bear the Fathers power. Jesus would look back at the Father, sometimes just looking over His shoulder, as if they didnt want to be separated even by sight very long. I could sense the love of God in Jesus, and I could see the affection and love flowing back and forth between the Father and the Son. I had never before seen love like that. It seemed magnetic. Jesus would walk in and out of the power, the fire, that massive amount of energy. When Jesus walked back into the energy, as He got closer, I would have to put my head down again, because I couldnt handle the Light. But that form of a Man as He walked toward that energy would transform back into Spirit. I understood how the Trinity are Three, yet They are One. Still lying on the floor, I turned my head toward that angel and asked, Wheres the Holy Spirit? He is on the earth, he said. Of course! Later when I thought back to the incident, I felt so stupid to have asked such a dumb question at the Throne of God. Im still embarrassed about it. I SAW CHILDREN IN THE THOUGHTS OF GOD I saw new lives of little babies singing and flying around Gods Throne. It seemed to me that babies just came out of the breath of God. They looked like they were wearing nightgowns. They flew into the presence of Jehovah. I realized they were new souls who came from the thoughts of God. God thinks kids. Now I know why those newborn babies are so precious. Babies are gifts given to us directly from the Throne of God. I heard them saying to God, Can I be a spirit? Would You send me to the earth so I can be a spirit? I want to be a redeemed person. Can I be a spirit? And while I watched, I heard that mighty sound of Gods power, Whooosh! I saw these babies leave the Throne by the power of God. I dont know how long I was there, but I felt that I couldnt stand it much longer. Thats why I think that I was there in the flesh—that my body was physically there. Suddenly, the angel said, We must go. Its too strong for you. Come. So he took me out from the Throne, and David walked with us. I got back into the chariot with David and the angel. As we were leaving, people were waving at me. I asked David, Will we see Abraham before we leave? Yes, he said, you will see him before you go back. People began going out from the Throne, back into the city and into Paradise. They were helping other people and being a blessing to them. I saw people discussing theological points about the Word of God among themselves. (Jesse Duplantis)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:11:56 +0000

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