I SHALL NOT DIE WHOLLY Yes! You read the title correctly, I shall - TopicsExpress


I SHALL NOT DIE WHOLLY Yes! You read the title correctly, I shall not die wholly. ’NON OMNIS MORIAR’! That’s the Latin saying that came to my remembrance, when I bought a new laptop, the effective tool of modern writing and the loll-pop of the present youth. When I was asked by the new gadget prompt to transfer my data from the old, a serendipity thought murmured in all possible susurrus from the ‘Divine’ within, you too will never die wholly. Ha! The gate of ampler world within started to send codes of new program but of course it’s nothing new to the philosophical world of yore and present, only is a new language to which I am exposed to as a neophyte. Neither am I, a computer expert to use right computer jargon nor an erudite scholar for inking my thoughts with the words of mot-juste in expressing my feelings to correlate the knowledge of computer and the self-acquired little knowledge about ‘THE-SELF’. For sure it’s off all the tangents and just riddles and dwarf’s –doodles of a novice of both facets. Of course, my age is my I allay, and an alibi to bear my blether; my age is a factor to act as an estpoppel for you to abuse, as everyone will add age and grow grey and grace it if nothing else, as usually the ardour of youth paves way to matured knowledge of manhood that furthers as wisdom of old -age with experience as an adage. While, ‘Boot’ the new computer is computer jargon, avoid thoughts of blight for a ‘divine- boot ‘is the language of spiritualism, I am aiming at. And thus a thought or two started to flow out from the deep- within to a deep- beyond that’s shared. As Bertrand Russell stated: “For what is past can be spoken of, and therefore, by the principle still is”..; Yes! This is true with a new computer we acquire, as we have to gather all our past data of the old one and set it into the new one to keep-up our records straight, thus the past turns to present, as was to is and continue in a way and carries the old too and so is the ‘thyself’ as it carries deep within the past-deeds (Prarabdha Karma) and thus we too are programmed by Almighty and is set to put into a matrix of creation as per the gathered and garnered data. Thus you take birth as rich or poor, wise or dud, mighty or a midget etc., the choice of stratum is as straight as per the past deeds and your strait -mind . This looks more mystical well! :” Mysticism is higher wisdom’” as per my mentor Bertrand Russell. He further continues,: “Mystic lives in full light of the vision: what others dimly seek, he knows, with a knowledge beside which all other knowledge is ignorance”. As only a computer-programmer could know and understand and may be able to appreciate what is the old version and what is the new one and what are the additions and deletions of the new gadget in the market possesses for a felicitous selection, so is the mystic-mind and could exercise an insight to know about the past-deeds of a person. Know, there is no known as; ‘you’ ‘are’ ‘me’ when we experience the good and bad and beyond could feel and perceive ultimate ‘IT’. Only a deep perspective mind could appreciate the entities of the web and wraps that lost their entities in unification to form a thread and cloth that we normally feel and find as a piece of cloth, ignoring the leftovers on the thrum. Once the cloth is made you can’t divide it into individual threads once again and so are the bonds of the human that grapples us to bondages and named as mother, father, brother and other relationships you are entwined into, thus the bonds of mighty chains remain till you reshape in a new matrix of creation as your new computer (body), thus, you are not fully dead. But beware all these enthralling human-bonds are but the deceptive thralls that cause unfulfilled piled up files that slow down your SPIRTUAL-RAM and progress as a realized-soul to merge ultimately in the Divine-Light, THE ONLY SUPREME COMPUTER, till you send all these files into proper shredding they shall carry over as a hidden virus and step into your new body, the brand new computer too. You may reboot the computer but you have to look-up for the back-up files or factory fit new- fills or depend upon Bill Gate for his patented CD, aptly named as windows; Bill Gate just invented the Windows to our computer , while the Almighty, the greatest creator has already programmed many a windows within before he setup and sent us down on to this sublunary with a defined - title and destined stead as” I”, with a preprogrammed disc called ‘Destiny’, as per past deeds and desires, a set of the ‘meum et tuum’ (mine and thine);and we may stile up or go- down but use the same steps of the ladder as famous philosopher Heraclitus said, “The way up and the way down is one and the same”. Progress, the fundamental canon and harbinger of development shall not be mimed with the myopic vision and set with barriers of ‘earlier’ and ‘later’ and the different time-segment veil of past, present and future as it has an undercurrent immutable and imputable continuity, though time is never constant, true goal should not change with time. So is the death and next body and birth. Thus I cannot die wholly but, holla! If I die holily, I shall be entitled to an imperious best and befitting matrix of creation and better blithesome programs of His creation, as delirious mind is a computer with un-repairable virus. However mirthfulness in SAMSAARAHA is as contradictory as hot-ice and dare confute me. Thus be not and show not the remiss in handling and acting this human-computer as we never die fully, my acquired gnosis on life experience: Be a scamp with sentiment and a saintly heart than a saint without sentiment who lives for fame and passion as neither the early morning shows the whole day nor the birth of the child its whole life so is a saint in first few meetings and mesmerism , as otherwise why the life-cycle goes like a giant-wheel with all ups and downs and at times with fallow-times. And as Lin Yutan wrote: “Others gave birth to us and we gave birth to others, what else are we Tods”. Only in action of Inaction, leads to silence and that shall switch the torch of guidance to internal interaction and an action of alchemy that leads to Divinity. This in computer jargon is probably inebriation- state and in saadhana (meditation) an ineffable state. Ha! Greatest of great cycle of life thee made me realize many facets of life as I have now made to taste the sermons of impermanence of health, wealth, fame, vigour and vim and of-course the youthful beauty and pristine brains; and thus exercise an utmost care with actions of all- fours ,and allay with quay thoughts of divinity , as the only certainty of life is its uncertainty and for the computer is its crash. As Swami Vivekananda said, “Wealth goes, beauty vanishes, Life flies, power fly-but lord abideth forever, and love abideth forever (‘God Lived with them’). However, hover over the fact that the only all permeate super computer the Almighty has taken many forms as there may be umpteen gadgets with different brands ,sizes, nomenclature but basic tenets are same for all of them so is Human- Computer and its real source, – “The entire Universe is pervading by YOU.YOU have infinite forms”(Bhagavad-Gita 11.38).know Thyself as Socrates said or Ahambramhasmi as per Adi Shankara are different brands and boughs of the same spiritual-tree like I mentioned about the various gadgets ultimate goal is the same. I never fully die as even from the funeral-pier thoughts of mine raise as reflex reflections of my yearning- lights as a myrtle flowering glow in the flames that engulf me to raise to meet Thee ,on and beyond the glow above shall hold tight while the body may oblige to the flames not my soul that resize to resurge and renege to reside in a different form and foam as a NEW Brand, BRAND NEW computer which may or may not delight but as Bernard Shaw said to my delight: Every fool has his own set of admirers”. Amen. Poondla Thakur Prakash 3-09-2013
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 12:31:11 +0000

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