I See Things Others Do Not See....#oduade Episode 11 I felt my - TopicsExpress


I See Things Others Do Not See....#oduade Episode 11 I felt my head pounding as I slowly returned to consciousness. I was lying down on the floor in a very large dark room, with a singular, small window on the wall opposite mine, close to the ceiling, not even large enough for me to poke my head through. It appeared to be evening outside and the only source of light came from a singular but large red candle flickering strongly on a mantelpiece attached to the roof. I blinked and squinted as my eyes started to adjust to the poor lighting and it was only when I tried to get up that I realized I had been bound hand and foot. The pounding in my head continued mercilessly as I tried to struggle into a sitting position. After a few failed attempts, I managed to lean my back against the wall behind me. The whole place smelt damp and sinister. I looked around me and saw that apart from being bound I had been chained by one of my ankles to a heavy looking bolt on the floor. There didn’t seem to be any need for that though, as the ropes were already doing a good job of keeping me a prisoner. I was a little disoriented in time but hazarded a guess that it had been a few hours since my abduction. Abduction; now that I had thought of that word, I began to realize the full implications of my situation. I weighed shouting for help to keeping quiet. It might be that my abductors had kept me somewhere isolated and my shouting would only alert them to the fact that I had regained consciousness. I decided to keep quiet for now. The walls of the room were dirty brown in colour and some dried dark substance stained the walls in various areas. Below these stains were strange symbols and writings, none of which made any sense to me. I suddenly saw swift movement on the other side of the room and I struggled upright. I saw some movement again and something flew past my face. I was so taken aback I yelled out and the noise echoed all around the room. This caused more of the creatures to start flying about and screeching in high pitched tones. Bats! I wasn’t very fond of bats, with their little razor sharp teeth and claws; and for some reason my brain decided that this was the right time to remind me of a documentary I had watched on discovery channel that bats transmitted rabies. I shuddered and kept quiet as they fluttered and circled above me. Even though I couldn’t see them, by the sound they made I figured they would be about a hundred of them which would be more than enough to do me in if they decided to attack- Shut up brain! I forced myself to remain calm. As far as I knew bats did not knowingly attack humans, normal bats anyway. I squinted , trying to see if there was another way out of the room, maybe the way the bats had flown in. they couldn’t have come in from the window as it was closed, so there must be… “Why are you looking up?” I swiveled round to where the voice had come from. Mr A**** was standing there smiling, as friendly looking as ever. Beside him now stood four bodyguards, all dressed as the ones I had “seen” before. As usual they looked blank and a lot like statues and didn’t move until Mr A**** himself did. “What are you looking at?” he asked again, advancing slowly. I tried moving back then realized I was already against the wall. There was nowhere to move back to. I put on a bold, nonchalant face. “The bats.” I said. “I don’t like bats so much.” His eyes twinkled in excitement and he let out a whoop of laughter. It echoed around the room as my shout had done earlier and the bats scattered again. “And I suppose,” he said, “that you are wondering why we bound you so tight?” “Well, the chain to the ground thing is a bit much.” I replied. “Haaaa! Wonderful!” he said, laughing again. I didn’t quite get it and started to conclude that Mr A**** was as mad as a hatter. “If any other person had been in this room, all they would have seen would have been the ropes binding their hands and feet. Only someone really gifted would see the enchanted chain on the floor and my spiritual sentries on the roof! You are indeed talented, boy! Tell me, how did you acquire this power? Did you kill anyone? Sacrifices perhaps? A secret cult? I have already looked you over, there are no charms on your body, so how are you doing it?” The chains and the bats had been a test. And I had passed horribly. I sighed to myself. There were few times when I considered myself unlucky for having the Sight. This was one of the. But then something told me that even if I had not seen the supernatural objects, he still would not have freed me. “Come now, chuks, don’t you have anything to say?” Mr A**** asked jovially, “You are in the presence of a fellow seer; I see things that are beyond the physical realm as well. I can even tell you how I got mine, a little matter of using my wife. I had to wait until after our child was born of course, so I could propagate my name. I have acquired so much power and wealth since then, up to having y own spiritual demon guards. They follow me everywhere and have helped me out of a difficult situation once or twice. I remember one time, many years ago when armed robbers came to my house. I had just acquired my guards from the spirit realm and was eager to use them. There were five young armed men that entered my house that day, only one made it out alive. He is mad now, still at Uselu psychiatric hospital as their permanent guest. No one believes him when he says he saw his comrades being strangled before his eyes by invisible forces. I let him go then so he could spread the word to the underworld that I should be feared… “I am not a seer.” I said. For the first time a frown entered his face. Obviously he didn’t like to be interrupted. The nice and friendly Mr A**** that I had seen disappeared and for the first time I saw the ugliness of him. The hardheartedness and fury he held. But I was not deterred. “What did you say, boy?” he said coming a little closer. “I am not a seer!” I replied boldly. “I was born with this gift. I didn’t do anything evil to anyone to get it! I am not like you! Not in any way! Now untie me before I show you what else I can do!” I was bluffing. There was nothing else I could do. I had never been in a situation like this before and my heart was pounding like it was going to come out of my chest and flee the scene, but I had to appear calm and in control. This man didn’t know anything about me. I had to use it to my advantage before things got worse. He studied me a while and seemed to calm down. Suddenly he called out: “Number one! Number two! Two young and malnourished looking men came in from a small door at the side, probably the same door Mr. A**** had come in from when I was looking up at the bats. They ran up to him and knelt down. “These are my servants. Don’t be confused, they are real.” He said and turned his attention to them. “Our guest wants to give us a demonstration. Free him.” They ran up to me and propped me up. In a few moments the ropes were loosened and I massaged my hands where they had dug deep into my skin. I stretched my legs a bit and felt a little better. Things were looking up. “Alright then,” said Mr A****. “Free yourself.” Eh? I did a quick check and sure enough all the ropes had been loosed, so what was he talking about? I took a few steps forward then suddenly I couldn’t move! Try as I might I couldn’t lift my left foot of the ground! Then I remembered. The chain, the steel bolt in the floor. Mr. A**** was watching me curiously as if he was expecting me to do something. As I didn’t know what he wanted e to do I stood there for a while as if in quiet contemplation. Then, summoning all my strength, I yanked my leg forward. The pain was so excruciating I had to scream out. I looked down, half expecting to see torn flesh where my left foot had been but it was still intact, not a scratch, as if nothing was wrong. And yet I felt the pain burn deep down to my bone. I doubled over and eventually had to sit on the floor. I was sweating now and almost passed out. Mr A****’s laugh brought me back to my senses. I couldn’t understand now how I had ever thought that laugh was friendly. I tried to take slow, deep breaths as the pain subsided. Mr. A**** walked up to me and whispered in my ear. “You have no power, do you? I’m sure you never even tried to understand what you were given. It is said that children who inherit their wealth lose it while those who suffered for it, keep it. It’s a pity you are the former.” He walked away again and continued his speech like I never interrupted him. “I let him go to spread the word of my powers to the underworld but not before giving him a little gift. A little something to keep those who heard the story terrified. I’d like to give you that gift as well.” “No thanks,” I said, struggling to my feet. It still hurt a little bit but not so much. “I don’t think it will be wise receiving anything from you.” he smiled and walked away from me. He went towards one of the walls and said something and one of the bats overhead flew down to him. “Nina has beautiful wings, doesn’t she?” he said quietly. “What?” I said. “Nina. The first time I saw her, she had the most beautiful wings I had ever seen. Actually at the time they were the only wings I had seen, and I asked my master what they meant. He told me that such people had great and powerful destinies and if her destiny could be tied to mine, there would be no limit to my powers and my wealth would be even greater than I had ever imagined. But that I couldn’t just steal it. I needed Nina’s consent in the matter. I tried to get my son to create a blood pact with her but so far he has failed miserably. He even tried rebelling against me once, saying he was no longer interested in the relationship. I had to teach him a lesson…” “You caused the accident,” I said, shocked. “Your own son!” “Oh, I have done a lot worse, boy, believe me.” he was walking back to me now, holding one of the bats in his hands. As he came closer I gave a small gasp. The bat wasn’t a bat at all. It looked like a small monkey with criss-crossed eyes and it was chattering maniacally. It had four pairs of long arms and a pair of very small wings. It screeched and chattered as it came towards me and I drew back. “What the hell is that?!” I shouted, but he didn’t answer. He nodded to the two malnourished men and they rushed me and pinned my hands behind me. I struggled frantically but they were surprisingly very strong. Mr. A**** was still talking. “I had planned on getting rid of you, but I think that would raise Nina’s suspicions. Afterall, I was the one last seen with you. It would also warrant some police investigations from your office, maybe your parents getting involved, too messy. So I’ll tell you what. I’ll let you go. With this little guy on your head.” I was struggling frantically now. That thing didn’t look like it would have anything good to add to me if I let it sit on my head. I saw the maniacal look in its eyes and heard its incessant chattering. And immediately I knew what its function was. I screamed and shouted for help but my voice echoed around the room aimlessly. Mr. A**** started laughing again as he brought the creature closer to my head. “See you at the psychiatric hospital, chuks!” he laughed as the creature started attaching itself to my head. And then all went black again. Episode 12 loading
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 15:15:25 +0000

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