I TERRANCE LYONS REPENT PUBLICLY TO ALL HERE ON FACEBOOK. I will start by saying that the reason for this post is because, I posted publicly about my date and my divorce earlier in the year. Had it not been done that way, I wouldnt be doing this. This is evidently how God wanted it though, and I have no shame or pride in doing it. Next I want to make sure that EVERYONE on here who has divorced and remarried or are still divorced: DO NOT FEEL CONVICTED OR LIKE YOU ARE IN THE WRONG WHEREVER YOU ARE IN LIFE RIGHT NOW.....THIS IS STRICTLY FOR ME PERSONALLY. Now, I was WRONG for divorcing my wife. Period. No matter what happened between us, my job as the man of the relationship, was to continue in the instructions that were given directly to ME 22 years ago and I failed. In the pride that I was using to cover up pain, I went in a direction that I should not have gone. God showed me a tremendous amount of GRACE by allowing me in my wrong to have met and dated a wonderful woman in Linda during the time after the divorce. SHE DID NOTHING WRONG and it hurts me that I got her involved with the decision of MY PRIDE, and I have already expressed to her my apologies and her being the woman of God that she is, she understood. It hurt but we both know that God has entire plan that He is working out of this, even this post. I have already expressed to my church, my wrongs, and asked their forgiveness as well. But to address my wrong in the situation, I should have never asked my wife to leave. I should have never went through with the divorce. I never gave God a chance to work on either of us. I just responded in a negative and wrong way. I DO NOT WANT TO BE A BAD EXAMPLE TO ANYONE. Social media and the internet shows enough of that and that is why I am doing this publicly. Some of you after reading this may want to unfriend me, turn your back on me, disassociate yourselves from me, etc. and if you do, I understand and there wont be any hard feelings towards you for that. No one is perfect and that definitely includes me, so in my expression of this, I ask everyones forgiveness. If you cant find it in your heart to do so, I ask blessing over your life as you choose to go another direction. I do not know what my ex-wife feels because I have not talked to her. ME DOING THIS IS A RESULT OF GOD HIMSELF REVEALING TO ME MY WRONG IN THE SITUATION AND THAT IS WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT. I DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS, BUT I DO KNOW THIS FOR SURE: GODS GOT IT!!!!! AND I WILL HAVE A CLEAN CONSCIENCE FOR ACKNOWLEDGING AND ATTEMPTING TO FIX MY WRONG IN THIS SITUATION. If any of you desire to pass judgment or want to run my name through the mud or whatever you want to do, go right ahead, my pride about this is dead and I will be ok no matter what. Thank you all in advance and sorry for any of you that may have been mislead by my actions as a leader.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:27:38 +0000

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