I WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THIS NEW PHASE THE WORLD IS GOING INTO: The world is approaching a time of evil that is unrivaled by any other time known to mankind. The people slumber, they are snoozing. The world is falling into complete disaster while the world sleeps.World Leaders have no idea how to cope. They see it coming, but keep their thoughts silent while their people are dying from not having the truth. I am sad for their loss. The day is closing in and the people will be amazed at the nearness of MY coming. I am very near MY people who are watching now, MY sheep hear MY voice. They know I am close. They see the signs, they are watching. These are the children who will be taken. If you are not watching, your lamp is not full. You will be left to face the worst. I cannot save you if you cannot be be interested enough to watch for MY coming. I AM LOOKING FOR THOSE WHO ARE ANXIOUSLY AWAITING MY RETURN If the cares of this world captivates you so and you cannot see the signs of MY coming and watch for ME even, I cannot bring you out to safety. I have made myself clear in MY Book ( BIBLE ) to watch for MY coming and to be vigilant in being ready when the signs that have been foretold unfold before you. The hour is now. You are either not watching or you see it, but want to deny what is happening around you. You think if you can deny what you see then perhaps this will go away. You watch all the people around you who are also not watching not caring and you follow suit. You are looking in the wrong direction for your salvation. Your family, friends, neighbors cannot save you. I am your only SAVIOR. Keep your eyes fixed on ME. How can you keep your eyes fixed on ME when you are caught up in all your worldly planning and programs? I am not in your thoughts. You are going to miss it. I am your safe passage. If you do not find ME in your daily activities.....If I do not come up in your mind, you will not know what is coming and the future will blindside you as the unexpected is about to happen. MY people will know and not be surprised because I am close and they are watching. They are ready their escape is assured. I am that narrow escape. I am the WAY, I am the TRUTH, I am the LIFE. I am pulling MY people out of the line of fire very soon and taking them to safe keeping while the world sinks to an all-time low and the enemy takes over the planet. Avoid disaster MY people. I am your SAVIOR, RESCUER. I will keep you safe. THIS IS A LETTER TO THE END TIME CHURCHES ......HE WHO HAS EARS LET HIM HEAR!!!! Loading..........
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 14:27:41 +0000

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