I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I SAW THIS FROM THIS GROUP The Catholic Church is NOT a Christian Church The Roman Catholic Church is a damning and a false religion. It is nothing less than a front for the kingdom of Satan. It preaches and promotes a damning delusion. Jesus said that we will recognise false teachers by their fruit. Here are some of the ‘fruits’ of Catholicism, so judge for yourself: The Roman Catholic Church has brutally punished those who reject it’s false religious system. It has a false priesthood. It has a false source of revelation and tradition in the Magisterium. It has illegitimate granted to it by this Magisterium or Papal Curia. It engages in idolatry through the worship of saints and the veneration of Angels. It exalts Mary above Christ, and even God. It conducts a twisted sacrament of the Mass by which Jesus is sacrificed over and over again. It offers false forgiveness through the confessional. It calls for the uselessness of infant baptism and other sacraments. Motivated by money, it has invented Purgatory (a place that offers a second chance after death, so that we can avoid hell). Without the concept of purgatory in the Catholic Church, the system does not work. It offers a works based religion. Salvation does not teach justification by faith through Christ alone. Salvation is earned through participation in a long journey towards salvation; this salvation is therefore gained by our own good merits (through good works). Justification, as taught by the Catholic Church, is achieved through the attainment of salvation by our own good works. Salvation therefore comes through the self-righteousness of man and not the saving power of Christ alone. It promotes the abominations of idol worship, prayers to the dead saints, the worship of idols and relics, and forced celibacy. It invented the concept of Indulgences (selling forgiveness for money). It is a system that promotes guilt and fear rather than the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. The Papacy has usurped the leadership of Christ over the Church. The Popes throughout history, have exercise tyranny over the Church of Christ. It presents fallible men as the Vicars of Christ (the Popes). The Papacy and Priests are called Holy Father – a title reserved only for God the Father. It denies the reality of Hell. It teaches universal salvation for all of humanity. The Popes embrace all religions. The Catholic Church admits that they do not draw their teaching and authority from the Bible alone. It teaches that only the Papacy has the power to interpret the teachings of the Bible. Furthermore, the Papacy claims to be infallible. The Pope claims to be the King of the Earth and submits to no one. (That is why the Vatican City is a City State).
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 07:04:59 +0000

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