I Was Trapped in Religion [My Testimony] I may not have been a - TopicsExpress


I Was Trapped in Religion [My Testimony] I may not have been a ‘bad’ boy in the eyes of the community but my religious pursuits made me miss the God I thought I was pursuing. My self-righteous chase to be a saint naively alienated me from an honest relationship with Jesus and moreover the world of whom He so loved and died for. I was a slave of religion and self-righteousness and I perpetually refused the free gift of grace even though I was a Christian. I failed to embrace the weakness of my human nature and the power of the unconditional love and unsearchable grace of God. My life was driven by the fear of ‘falling’ and going to hell other than the confident joy and peace of knowing Christ and trusting him. Yes I was a born again Christian but I didn’t enjoy it. It was more of a burden and duty than a joy. That is why I was ashamed to tell the world about Jesus since deep inside I somehow felt trapped and missing out in life. How could I share a joy I didn’t personally experience nor a Jesus who made me live a ‘no fun’ miserable life? Yet, I still felt obligated to be a christian because of the fear of God’s judgment and I didn’t want to disappoint my family and church. I was a prisoner of my own ideas about God. I was trapped in religion…in the name of God (unfortunately). But I’m happy today that God didn’t leave me in my stubbornness. He really loved me and took His time on my case. He missioned to set me free from myself. He removed the mask I was wearing for years and lifted me up. Yes it wasn’t easy nor a day’s job but I’m happy to experience such emancipation in my life. The battle wages on, but I’m learning each and every day to let go and let God be God in the journey. Jesus found me and I found myself. And ever since we started a relationship with Him I have found purpose, joy, and peace in living. I am so much in love with ‘me’ now and it has made me realize that one cannot truly love themselves until they discover and accept who they are. Our walk with Him has also taught me that He is God and I am only a human being. If you want to be happy then let God be God and man be man. God is God; He is good, just and faithful to us. Ours is just to depend on Him and trust Him for that is truly how to live -- by faith. What matters the most is that we love Him and also love (not judge) our neighbour. God set me free and gave me a future. He can also do it for you because “Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. Its Gods gift from start to finish!” [Eph 2:9, MSG] Thank you for taking time to read this article. It is my testimony that Jesus will set you free if you want Him to. More importantly, if you want meaning and happiness in life, let Jesus come into your heart--today. We cannot survive without God. We all need His grace..weather christians or non. [Mluleki Dlamini 2014, My Testimony]
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 10:53:05 +0000

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