I absolutely love the people I work with. Yes, my job is tiring - TopicsExpress


I absolutely love the people I work with. Yes, my job is tiring and hectic and busy and just plain old BLAH sometimes, but I wouldnt exchange these people and this year for anything. So, yesterday when a co-worker came in crying, I had to stop her in her tracks because the thing that she was crying about was not necessarily minuscule to her but it was what I call secondary. She was worried about something that 1. could be fixed and 2. she had no control over. I had to remind her that worrying does us absolutely no good. It doesnt change one thing, and we waste time by being upset over stuff thats not really that important in the long run, that we cant do anything about, or things only God can change. The Bible says we cant even add one inch to our height by worrying (and shes a short woman…IJS…dont judge me...). Yet, we worry, worry, worry, which gets us nowhere. Every time we get really upset, it takes a lot of emotional energy, tires us out, messes with our health, steals our joy, and still doesnt change one thing. We need to stop trying to fix things that are minuscule or that only God can fix because the only one whos clapping is the devil, saying, Ha, ha, ha! Got em again! Jesus tells us to calm down in John 14:27 andcheer up in John 16:33. I think its a one-two knockout punch to the devil when we do. When you realize you cant fix everything, that calms you down, and when You know that God can, it cheers you up! So dont worry. Instead, calm down, cheer up, and send the devil running! Your worrying really doesnt accomplish anything, so leave it behind. Be thankful that God can fix what you cant. Allow Him to help calm you down and cheer you up! Trust me He can do it and He will! Be blessed and bless somebody else today. #Faithoverfear
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 10:35:50 +0000

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