I absolutely love this Carl Sagan book. Wow. The chapter I - TopicsExpress


I absolutely love this Carl Sagan book. Wow. The chapter I recently read went into the God Hypothesis. Its possibly the greatest question of our species. Sagan goes into how so many peoples lives are just so caught up in religion and how much it holds back our species. He talks about evidence past and present that dissolves basically all religions and its amazing and eye opening the way he explains this. He mentions Buddhism he finds the most interesting and compelling argument as to whether or not there is a god. He says there are many things like the laws of nature and natural selection that explain, very simply, many arguments that religions make as to the reasoning behind reality. Such as religious teachings of origin or even religious experiences (bleeding eyes on statues, god coming and speaking to people, meeting jesus) He says Why is it when talking about strange religious experiences we are always talking about the said religion in that area of the globe? When we talk about these reports in the west it is almost always to do with the christian religion. Or when we focus on religious experiences in the east, say India, its always a revelation or monumental experience with a god from the hindu religion? Why do we rarely see a case of demon possession in India? Or a meeting with Jesus or god in India? Or a meeting with Ganesh or experience with Vishnu in America? It generally has to do with what that person has been surrounded with and taught and brought up around. Its what they identify with. Its what most people feel they need to do to give an explanation to what it is they do not know or understand. Well I dont understand death so it must be god or heaven that I go to next. Sagan doesnt really like to delve into the conversations of new age philosophy or even consciousness that much. He kind of generalizes consciousness with god a bit. Its obvious that Carl Sagan asks all the right questions and questions everything. He definitely wasnt an atheist but I wouldnt go as far to say he was a solid believer in god either. He merely questions the likely hood of what many religions and people think god is or should be. Its apparent that he also was on the fence about the existence of god. He wasnt a believer but he also wasnt a non believer. That right there is pretty amazing in itself. Its unfortunate he doesnt like to delve into consciousness much and in this way you can really see the scientific ways of selection that he has as well. He was an amazing man and had some compelling arguments. Strongly recommend this book. Loving it.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:49:36 +0000

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