I agree that some of these items need to be understood . BUT I - TopicsExpress


I agree that some of these items need to be understood . BUT I cant stand the fact that It says that no one is color blind ... Thats not true thats called being insecure . and acknowledges the fact that racism goes both ways .... Im just looking-forward to a time when we as a collective human race can acknowledge our differences and ethnicities and make progress as a species . The media and some articles similar to this that are directed at one specific race can be characterized as small minded and polarizing because its not addressing the bigger issue,it agitates rather than calmly address the issue of race . There is also an accountability factor that we as a community of black people should work on, just because racism exists and just because slavery happened should NOT mean we assume 1. Every white person is to blame 2. Automatically every white person is ignorant 3. Every white person is has an easy life 4. Every white person has no black heritage or lineage 5.every white person needs to be sensitive to my needs only . We perpetuate the cycle of bigotry and segregation instead of breaking it. If we dont want to be stereotyped we need to stop stereotyping white people .. Instead we should make more of an effort in finding the good in people! As in ,show both sides of the story. for every racist white guy we find on YouTube there are 5 or more compassionate and understanding men . Yea I understand we need to let people know that the issue of racism still exist but we also need to be thankful and identify those men and women that arent black but fight for our rights and liberties . There were white people in the civil rights movement as well that were beaten and murdered. My correlation would be to the gay struggle for equality and civil rights, just because a large amount of straight people want to limit my rights as a gay man doesnt mean all straight people would like to do the same . I will not assume that just because someone is not gay that it automatically means they are homophobic . The bigger picture is that as much as we think there is this huge gap in wealth distribution amongst whites and blacks ... Look at the wealth distribution as a middle class of a culmination of races ... We are so far behind the upper echelon its sad . But to distract us the media machine pits us against each-other white against black, gay against straight , atheist against Christian... Stop buying into the bullshit and look past these insignificant differences so that we can actually move forward as a whole .
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 05:14:32 +0000

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