I always to think of things I am grateful for when I have had some - TopicsExpress


I always to think of things I am grateful for when I have had some daily struggles. It really helps me to see my light at the end of the tunnel. I have an amazing life, filled with amazing people who love me and my family. I really try not to do the same, traditional blessings each time. I think it goes without saying Im thankful for my family and friends but here are a few more; 1. I am grateful to live in a state within a country that allows me to choose to educate my children at home. I must add with this that I am grateful beyond words to belong to a church family who supports and even at times, facilitates this decision. With Jill and Julie I wouldnt be getting ready to start our curriculum. It would still be a want that hadnt come back to fruition. 2. I am grateful to belong to a church family that can make me feel at ease within minutes of being in the same building last night. Jennifer, you reminded me that this stage doesnt last forever. Lyn you reminded me I have people on my side that have been in my position. April you have taken a million pounds off my shoulders just by given the big girls transportaion. Then our ladies baby announcements have soothed my soul. 3. Im grateful we are not in an area where air strikes and bombings are real, everyday threats. 4. Im grateful for the smell of fresh cut grass. Im not sure why it makes me feel so good but its like Im a kid again. 5. Im grateful for property taxes, orthodontist bills, water bills and grocery bills. It means that we are doing more than nearly suviving. 6. Im grateful for the relationship I am building with my Uncle Danny. We interacted once or twice during my childhood and now I see him at least every other day. He is a crabby old man but he has a heart of gold. Im happy to know he wont be spending his last years thinking that he wasnt cared for. Maybe, just maybe Ill even get him to church one day. 7. Im grateful for changing relationships. I have left some relationships in the past 2 years that I thought I would have for the rest of my life. I felt like these families were extensions of my own. It absolutely crushed my heart to leave, especially on bad terms. I realize now that was just creating space for new, amazing people to come in the life of my family. The love my children obviously have for Grandma Lynda and the entire Barnett clan as well as the other amazing people/women/families we are forming relatiomships with have really solidified the hard decisions we have had to make the last few years. I try to be positive all the time because I feel like your attitude is a huge part of how you are able to take things. Sometimes, I get in the funk too though. I apologize for anyone I have spread my negativity to. I am blessed beyond measure every single day. Im sorry that I have been making complaints instead of rejoicing for my many, many blessings.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:26:05 +0000

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