I am Canadian. I am shoveling snow, chewing wheat into gum and - TopicsExpress


I am Canadian. I am shoveling snow, chewing wheat into gum and cheering for the underdog. I am huge weekends at the cabin, long breaks between short summers and really, really big skies, I am Yaletown sushi, Yorktin perogies, Ville-Marie poutine. I am Big Rock Traditional, Steamwhistle Pilsner, Newfoundland Screech. I am the Sea to the Sky Highway, the Icefields parkway, the Cabot Trail. I will pronounce “about” however the hell I see fit. I am my father’s poorly constructed backyard rink. My Christmas includes Boxing Day, Bob&Doug McKenzie and the World Junior Championships. I have the hard-won ability to sprint down the length of a dock, leap through the air and land butt-first in an inner tube without spilling a single. Drop. Of. Beer. I hold as self evident the truth that Canadian girls do, in fact, kick ass. I will not pass a car stuck in the snow, I will stop and help no matter how late I am for a meeting, I will get out and push no matter how freshly-polished my shoes. I believe that my career matters. I believe that my friends and family matter more. I believe that even the least fortunate Canadians should be able to access the same level of health care as me. I am willing to pay their share. I am the Chinook, the sun dog, the harvest moon. I am the bay blanket, the fleur-de-lis, the tipi. I am the silly, dancing magic of the northern lights. I am not a “winter hat”, I am a damn toque. Harsh landscape and harsh climate will not breed in me hardness of character, for though flawed and frequently frustrated, I will not shoot my fellow Canadians with guns and I will strive to truly mean it when I tell you to “take care”. I am my shovel blade slammed into the crack in the sidewalk. (I am my bruised sternum) I will apologize. Constantly. Even in situations where no apology is warranted. (Sorry.) I am parkas with shorts, beer with clamato and bacon with everything. I am the peace of PEI, the power of the Rockies, the pride of the North. I refuse to stop upon my nation with wonder, hope and pride. I refuse to stop finding adventure in her lands. I refuse to fall out of love with her, through best times and worst. I am proud. I am wondrous. I am grateful. I AM Canadain.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 05:28:01 +0000

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