I am NOT celebrating Independence Day today! My government does - TopicsExpress


I am NOT celebrating Independence Day today! My government does NOT deserve my support. I will once again celebrate July 4th when Washington D.C. once again SERVES We the People. When it is a government FOR the People and BY the people. Ask yourselves how FREE are we? We are required to pay taxes to pay for the ever expanding military complex that continues to claim innocent lives almost daily. If we dont pay those taxes, we loose everything we have and may end up incarcerated. Our phones and emails are continually monitored (violating our 4th Amendment rights), our right to habeas corpus has been crushed via Section 1031 of the 2012 NDAA (violating our 5th and 6th Amendment rights), we are now told that we can only protest in free speech zones due to the Protestor Law (violating our 1st Amendment rights), our President is negotiating trade deals in secrecy utilizing corporate advisors and shutting out Congress that if passed will strip us of our national sovereignty and make us slaves to transnational corporations (violating Article 1 Section 8), our bank accounts are monitored and we are kept from accessing our own money if we divert from our usual banking patterns thanks to the Patriot Act, (violating again our 4th amendment rights). This is but a tip of the iceberg. Wake up America! We are being slowly boiled like frogs that dont hop out of the pot because the heat is taken up gradually! Its time to jump and make waves! And Im not talking about waving the American flag . . . I am talking about shaking things up. No more status quo. Stupidity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. Its time for CHANGE . . . justicepartyusa.org . . . Its time for JUSTICE!!!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 19:30:47 +0000

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