I am a believer. I am a seeker of Truth. I love God...I love - TopicsExpress


I am a believer. I am a seeker of Truth. I love God...I love Spirit...I love Source, and I love the real Jesus... Theres not much about conventional Christianity that I relate to any more...I really prefer not to even be called a Christian any longer, because of what that word has come to mean to most people these days...its not something that I aspire or even pretend to be...and I dont connect to labels, anyway...I dont believe that its the end of the world, (I think its the greatest time in history to be alive), and I dont identify with the spiritual warfare, legalism, bibliolatry, and especially the exclusivity that so much of current Christendom seems to be preoccupied with... But I am definitely a believer, and I do love Jesus and will always believe in Him, and will live out the rest of my days talking about Him to anyone who will listen...I love His words, His parables, His miracles, and most of all His revelation to the world of Agape...I believe very much in the Two Great Commandments, and am convinced that the Gospel is simply the Good News, manifested in the two concepts He specified, which are basically (1) Love God (2) Love people...I still embrace the Apostles Creed, with its mystical references to His virgin birth and His bodily resurrection from the dead, and believe that Quantum Physics confirms the possibility of these things... Never a man spake like this man...thats what they said about the Jesus that I know and love...the real Jesus who was the earthly manifestation of the Mind of Christ...the One who said You have heard it said _________, but I say _________...I am mostly interested in what He is saying NOW... The Mind of Christ changes the way we see spiritual things...some examples: observing the Universe through the paradigm of the Tree of Life makes seeing it through the consciousness of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil obsolete...the New Testament triumphs over the Old Testament, as the writer of the Book of Hebrews reveals to us that Moses, the Lawgiver, is no longer the Captain of the House, since he has been replaced by Christ, the Life-giver...Ultimate Reconciliation (which is basically Pauline theology 101) is simply this: The Last Adam trumps the First Adam, as he tells both the Romans and the Corinthians that all were lost in Adam, but all are found in Christ)...he reveals to the Galatians that Spiritual Israel is more the focal point now than is national Israel...even Jesus in the Gospels, when preparing His disciples for the coming of the Parakletos said, It is necessary for you that I go away, so that He can come... In a parallel reality, Quantum Physics has given us the prospects of new realities not afforded through conventional Newtonian Physics...Old Testament/New Testament...Newtonian Physics/Quantum Physics...things that make you go hmmm... As we have already said, Quantum physics is the scientific discipline that demonstrates that the conventional belief that matter has permanent reality is false...scientific discoveries of the relationship between Quantum Physics and the mind demonstrate a core principle that cause and effect is reversed as it is understood in the world...the radical revelation that the observer affects the outcome of experiments on a subatomic level connects quantum physics and spirituality, or something that we now call the Law of Attraction...only the mind is causative...this is one way among many in which we can relate the concept of God and Quantum Physics (Let us make people in our image...) The Mind of Christ is beyond a unified field...it is so vast that it transcends perception...it transcends what for centuries has been called matter (Paul described it as the breadth and length and depth and height), and now we see with Quantum Physics that the unified field is completely overthrowing the laws of Newton, the normal behaviors of objects, the physics and the real world as we have known it...the understanding of the observer in QP is the closest that we have come in this world to walking in the Mind of Christ, which manifests boundless, unconditional love, and makes us realize that we are one with the Creator... To be continued...
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 19:44:45 +0000

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