I am a follower of Jesus who is proud to serve Him in The United - TopicsExpress


I am a follower of Jesus who is proud to serve Him in The United Methodist Church. I was four years old when mom and dad first took me to Dowelltown United Methodist Church, that was forty years ago. I grew in my faith until the Lord led us away from the people that I called my family in 1986. Then my church family became Robertson Chapel UMC in Hardin County. For two years the wonderful people there invested in my life and showed me the way of Christ. In 1988, although I was a confused and wayward 18 year old, God sent me to Mt Gilead UMC where my dad was pastoring. It was there, after meeting my wife of now twenty-five years, that I was convinced that God was calling me into the minstry. So in 1989, three months after we were married, I began the Candidacy process to become a licensed Local Pastor. In June of 1990, God sent me to my first appointment in Waverly, TN to pastor Bascom and Glenwood UMCs. Four years later, in 1994, Pisgah UMC was added to my Charge. For a total of 12 years the wonderful people of Humphreys County loved me, invested in me and pretty much raised a 20yr old kid, and put up with a lot of pranks as I grew into the man God was calling me to be. In June 2001, I was honored to receive the Harry Denman Evangelism Award. Then, in June 2002, the Bishop appointed me to take a new Church and try to get it going. Denise and I, now along with Joshua and Chasity, would have to leave our family once again to follow Gods call to, Go and make disciples. I cannot begin to tell you how difficult it was to leave our home and family in Humphreys County. But, we followed Gods call. And now, ironically, 12 years later we are once again being sent. Sent, just like Jesus sent his 12 disciples and then the 70 disciples out so many years ago. And its just as hard, if not harder this time, as it was the first time I left home to follow Jesus. My dad always said, When you follow Jesus, it always leads to the cross. Hes right. I am so very thankful for the lives that God has allowed me to Pastor here at Fellowship. I have tried to be faithful to the task that the Bishop entrusted me with in 2002. Denise and I have worked incredibly hard at creating a Christ-like community where ALL life is cherished and valued. I am both sad to leave Fellowship, and excited to follow Jesus to our new projected appointment at Erin United Methodist Church in Houston County. I am a follower of Jesus who is proud to serve Him in The United Methodist Church. The Lord is faithful and his love endures forever! Since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. Hebrews 11:40
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 22:25:28 +0000

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