I am a registered Republican in Monroe County, and I believe in - TopicsExpress


I am a registered Republican in Monroe County, and I believe in basic conservative fiscal responsibility; however, protecting our area and our magnificent Pocono streams must not be an issue based on voting along strict party lines. I feel I must express my personal concerns and let you know how betrayed I feel by our incumbent Republican Representative and her decision to sponsor a bill now sitting on the Governors desk that can potentially destroy the protections now afforded to us by extant riparian buffer zones. As a private citizen and not as an elected officer of any organization, cause or group, I would like all of you to know my personal position now that the election is just one week away. In my view, there is only one truly honest candidate running for office in the PA189th District; shes LIZ FORREST! Liz is a genuine friend of our streams and environment. She has a long history of caring about environmental impact issues. Liz understands the negative impact that HB1565 will have on our environment, and she is a staunch opponent to everything that HB1565 stands for. Liz Forrest believes in clean water for all of us, and she understands that maintaining riparian buffer zones helps to decrease downstream sedimentation and the possibility of downstream flooding which could adversely affect all property owners. Liz truly understands the importance of having clean, pristine headwater streams. That is the major draw that brings people to the Poconos! HB1565 has the potential to destroy all of that. Anyone who sponsored, or voted for, that heinous bill should be voted out of office immediately! I urge each of you to go to Liz Forrests website. Please check out the facts; look at her background and conservation involvement history; then, look at the horrible voting record of our incumbent representative when it comes to the environment and protecting our treasured Pocono streams. Liz Forrest cares about us and about our bucolic area. She is a real friend of the environment! Unlike our current representative who cosponsored and voted for HB1565 and A4116, Liz will fight to protect our streams and the sanctity of our environment in Monroe County, as well as the rest of the Poconos. On November 4, as you enter the voting booth, please consider casting your ballot for Liz Forrest as our next representative in the 189th district. Liz is clearly the one person who will go to Harrisburg to protect our pristine headwater streams. Liz Forrest will have my vote! I hope that she will have your vote, as well!!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 12:40:40 +0000

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