I am applying to your Bachelor program of Paris Est University - TopicsExpress


I am applying to your Bachelor program of Paris Est University with specialization in “bachelor of commerce international business" starting in October 2013. My career ambition is to become an international business owner. The three years undergraduate program in “College of Business Administration” formed the basis of my perseverance towards achieving an in-depth knowledge in the field of Economics and Commerece–. As a part of my degree course I studied various subjects relating to diverse aspects of Business management which includes finance and marketing works. As a student who was inspired by the breath of economy, I tried so hard to graduate with the good degree from Hoa Sen Univeristy’s college program so I could have a chance to transfer to Paris Est University’s study program. I could have finished my Bachelor Degree sooner but my studying was delayed because of my family’s financial issue. At that time I started out doing my own business to help my family overpass the challenges and obstacles. It was unfortunate that my dad lost his job (he was our only financial supply at that time) and there was not much money left for me to invest in my business so I had to borrow money from relatives. Luckily, my first business worked out well and I am opening my third backpack store in the next few days. But that is not the happy ending if I am just satisfied with that. In the process of running my own business, I found out that I still lack a lot of knowledge in the field of economics in general and the field of management in particular. Recently I have planed to find an appropriate program in which I can fulfill my studies and accomplish wishes and finally I am sitting here writing these words to you, people can help me to do that. I consider that International interactions are really important and International business is the most powerful one. When I was a child my dad told me many interesting stories when he came back from abroad trips he had taken. He told me why Japan leads in the Car manufacturing industry, why Swiss is always well-known with the best watches and I know they can not make it without cooperation from the outside such as foreign retailors, foreign marketing company or foreign spares manufacturers. These days, when I am running my business, he keeps telling that I would be narrow minded if I only think about domestic businesses and there are so many chances for me to enlarge my business and work in the international environment where I can learn a lot of things I will not be taught in the local environment. Thanks to things my dad told me and things I read from books and on internet I made up my mind to achieve my goal is to work in an international field of work related to economics and business then bring the best experience and knowledge to apply to my own future businesses. Therefore I want to gain a deeper theoretical knowledge in management, finance, marketing, foreign trade and economics to evaluate business in an international context. I have been searching for a very long time the university where I can fit and widely expand my knowledge in the desired fields. I want to be in an international environment where teachers and students are from different parts of the world to share different views and experience, and of course a place with high level of education and the necessary tools to instruct me in the international business scene ... 2 tiếng nghe nhạc vừa coi clip vừa viết ! VL
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:54:13 +0000

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