I am back from my visit to Namibia and wont to make progress with - TopicsExpress


I am back from my visit to Namibia and wont to make progress with the Donation to Wild Life Protocol .. I have thanks to many organisations had a great and they have made changes to their website which help to clear the possibility of GHOST Projects who raise money To Recap the Expected Project Protocol to appear on the websites are:- MESSAGE TO WILDLIFE LOVERS WHO WANT TO DONATE CASH OR PLEDGES TO PROJECTS PLEASE CONSIDER READ THIS AND REACT ACCORDINGLY “THIS REQUEST IS NOT INTENDED IN ANY WAY TO CAUSE A BOMB SHELL IT IS INTENDED TO CLARIFY AND ENCOURAGE GOOD FUND RAISING PROJECTS AS OPPOSED TO SCAMMED OR GHOST FUND RAISERS .. and no prejudice what so ever is intended , only to help donors who are empathetic towards our Elephants and Rhino and that the receive the intended care and services from the honest and dedicated fund raising organisations” Good day to “ALL” Elephant And Rhino Fund Raising Organisation in the world As you may not know I am totally dedicated and passionate about Rhino and Elephants in the world and they are my favourite subjects to photograph and I have visited many game parks and walked and followed elephants in Southern Africa as well as researched poaching in some areas . My passion for these wonderful animals caused me to start a Facebook page Stop Elephant and Elephant and Rhino Poaching ( I am a retired person with vast Marketing Sales and Administration experience in world wide blue chip companies) . The site that I have is a non donation and non political site covering the world and the poaching crises in the world. I have over time been informed of Ghost fund raisers for these wonderful animals and also informed that in some cases the donated money has not been used for the purposes that the donor intended. This might apply to multi funded agencies that raise money for all sorts of wildlife and the money goes to high administration , advertising and professional fund raisers salaries and the end result is the that possibly much of the donors money has been lost to the previously mentioned costing or in some cases the donors money might never go to the wildlife that it was intended for. OR other organisations the fund raisers may collect the money and use it correctly or not and that is why I am at my own time addressing the issues related to fund raising for these animals to ensure that the donors are in actual fact being treated with honesty and respect for their hard earned cash.Thus ensuring that they are not being caught out because they are working on the donors empathy towards these animals. So I am addressing “ALL” wild life projects that raise money for Rhino and Elephants to produce audited financial reports that clearly state :- 1 money received the the outgoings 2 how the money was spent by detailed projects 3 that they have a charity number 4 clearly indicate who the CEO or appointed leader of the project is 5 where they are based the exact street or office address the contact phone number. 6 the Bank that the money is deposited in 7 produce annual financial reports that are not back dated 8 projects can be visited at any time by the public and that they will be welcomed on the visits .a good example of this is the Davis Sheldrick Wildlife Trust based in Nairobi and Tsavo . I have now also seen that their is another way of fund raising through Pledges so I suppose at the end of the day we should see the same outcomes and controls as I requested above for pledging schemes. Who controls the monies raised through pledges ? e.g Is it the individual or the Kickstart organisation and how do the control the funding to ensure that all the pledges money goes to the person or organisation . Does Kickstart get a admin fee and if so what percentage etc .And how do we know that Kickstart is allocating the received money to you. Do they produce Current independent audited reports as well on the same basis as mentioned above for Rhino and Elephant projects . I am totally impressed with all projects that in actual fact do honestly commit themselves in total to the Rhino and Elephant Poaching and know that the will come forward with the information requested . It is the organisations that do not supply this information that will be without any prejudice named and shamed on the basis of not supplying the information. Too many people might see the Rhino and Elephant as an easy opportunity to raise money from donors who have like me great empathy for the Rhino and Elephants and see this as an opportunity to SCAM The public it is these scammers or ghost fund raisers that must be stopped. Thank you for reading this and for your kind co operation and that I shall be sent this information. I shall immediately attempt to if not away peruse the reported details and publish those projects that appear to be honest and committed .
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:39:42 +0000

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