I am beginning to think that people are oblivious to the world - TopicsExpress


I am beginning to think that people are oblivious to the world outside of their own lives....on local gossip & rumor groups, it seems as though the same questions are asked & answered over & over & over.......well you get my drift. And then theres the oversize load that was moving thru our area yesterday. Yes, I went out & took pix, its the largest ever to be transported across roads in OK, & probably the last in my lifetime. But as I am standing on the side of the road, camera in hand, 3 OHP in front of their dozen escort vehicles, a HUGE tube thingie being moved by 4 trucks, another dozen escorts & 3 more OHP in the back & people are rolling down windows & shouting whats going on?, Whats that big thingie for?, & the clincher was the one who asked me, (this old lady taking pix with her outdated camera on the gravel drive in rural Tulsa County), does this mean we might have another war breaking out soon?!!! I turned my back so she wouldnt see me bust up laughing while crossing my legs to keep from pissing all over myself! I simply told them all that it has been on all the news stations, papers & online for 2-3 weeks. Do people not ever watch the local or world news any more? I know I do, I want to know! People need to crawl out of their dark caves, pull their heads out of wherever they have them, get off the computer, get off those cell phones & walk outside! God has graced us with still another beautiful day, another day to spend with family, friends & yes even our enemies, but inhale that fresh air, look at the changing colors, listen to the birds,m watch the squirrels gathering food for the colder weather & thank God every day, thank our military for that freedom to go outside without fear & most of all, thank our parents for giving us life in the 1st place! OK, getting off my soapbox, gonna crawl in bed next to my amazing & snoring hubby & thank God all mighty for that right, to sleep in comfort & peace in our own home, on our own land & without fear....God Bless America!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 04:11:36 +0000

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