I am celebrating Father God, God the Son and Redeemer, my High - TopicsExpress


I am celebrating Father God, God the Son and Redeemer, my High Priest, our High Priest, Our Blessed HOPE, and the GIFT that Lord Yeshua prayed to HIS ABBA for after HE finished HIS great work of SALVATION for us who would come to HIM and believe HIM the WORD OF GOD and cry out to HIM to save us from our ways, i.e. from our sins, for our ways are sinful and our hearts are stone and our spirits dead in trespasses and sins because we are born into his captive world taken captive by the fallen angel Lucifer son of the morning to turned against his CREATOR who had created him for THE CREATORs purposes and one day Lucifer turned away from God and the Glory of GOD and desired to take over, to be in charge, to murder, to cheat, to lie, to kill, to blaspheme, to accuse, to slander, to lead a rebellion in the 3rd heaven being followed by the angels under him, one third of them followed Lucifer instead of remaining faithful to their Creator Sovereign Lord of All the Ancient of Days the Eternal One, and instead they lost their position and had to be fought against by Michael and Gabriel and the angels under them and they were cast out of heaven and down to the lower heaven the second heaven and then when Father and Son the WORD and Holy Spirit created Adam and Eve perfectly and good they were given the earth to garden and as their earth to multiply and have children and to glorify GOD and to lean on HIM and actually to be utterly DEPENDENT upon HIM and to love HIM back and to trust HIM and know HIM intimately and to enjoy HIM Forever. However Adam followed Eve one day and Eve followed the words the lies of the evil fallen angel who had come into their garden wearing a disguise and talking to him. She did not consult her husband Adam and she did not wait until GOD came in the cool of the evening to visit them but she listened to the lies of the fallen angel who was bent on stealing the earth from her and making her his slave and he was bent on destroying her and hurting GOD and hurting her and making the beloved Adam and Eve his own servants under his control to do his will. He came to ruin them. John 10:10 Satan comes but for the STEAL, to KILL and to DESTROY but what about JESUS. HE has come that we might have LIFE and have LIFE more abundantly.Hooray! However the Great Deceiver and the Great Satan and accuser and his fallen angels still hold countless millions of people in their iron grasp lying to them through their thoughts and through this fallen world system which loves to rebel against the Holiness and Righteousness and Goodness of GOD beause people are captives to Satan and the minds blinded and the hearts stone until such a time as they are given grace to recognize that they are in grave need of a new heart and a new spirit and to be cleansed and to be forgiven and to be changed.Such a revelation is a miracle of HIS grace. No one goes to JESUS untles Father Holy Spirit draws them. Our Great High Priest invites us to all come boldly into HIS PRESENCE to find the help that we need in time of trouble. Celebrating the TRUTH, HIS NAME is above all names and at the Name of Jesus or Yeshua every knee will bow one day and every tongue confess that HE IS LORD GOD of all. For some it will be too late for them to be born again from above and changed into HIS image and washed in HIS BLOOD and clothed in HIS own Garments of Salvation and in HIS own Robers of RIGHTEOUSNESS. All of us born from Adam and Evens union which came after they chose other than GOD...and died spiritually and in less than a thousand years died physically...we are born not connected to GOD who is LIFE, LIGHT, GOODNESS, TRUTH, SALVATION. All of us are born needing to be saved from ourselves, from who we really are. The great transition must take place before we die, leaven this temporary body or tabernacle. We must be placed IN CHRIST. We must humble ourselves and ASK JESUS to become our SAVIOR and to deliver us from evil and from our own flesh. Our enemies are this world under Satanic darkness, under the powers of darkness, to save us from flesh, from our own flesh and others and to save us from the devil and from serving them and believing them. We so very often trust the thoughts that are in our minds and if we have no truth in us how can we discern their origin. The Battle field is the MIND of man. We are under attack. Deceived and deceiving but for GOD sending JESUS to rescue us and to take the punishment we all so justly deserve and there by setting us captives free to choose HIM...We would all go down into hell. Hell created for the fallen rebel angels who are totally pure evi. Reading Galations this morning. Have it on DVD being read by a wonderful sounding actor as if Paul is speaking and writing. The entire New Testament is acted out on DVD set which when it first came out was fifty dollars but I recently bought it for seventeen at Mardells on sale. Yippie. Rich.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:44:17 +0000

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