I am coming up to my 6th year anniversary of the birth of my - TopicsExpress


I am coming up to my 6th year anniversary of the birth of my company which was once a crafting gig. Not all know my story, so today I feel like telling you all. Ready for a LONG read??? How did I come up with my name?? Well, I wanted Vintage Box but it was already taken from a wine company. I have always loved collecting old vintage cases and I just felt it was unique. It almost tells a story,as a woman we love to collect goodies and we often put it in a box! The 1947 was added (since Vintage Box was taken) because I have always wanted a 1947 Chevy Pick up truck. Ok and now my story! I have always worked at large companies either in sales, collections, bankruptcy etc. If I didnt know something I would learn it and get the job. I would always ask what I felt I was worth and No usually didnt mean much to me. I have always been motivated to do well and have always been slightly competitive in that way. In September 2008 I was fired from a mortgage company because I didnt agree with how the company was treating employees. The squeaky wheel doesnt always get attention in a GOOD WAY! lol But to me, values and integrity are the core, and I would rather be fired for doing the right thing then to say nothing at all. I have always dabbled in hair accessories over about 15 years, heck, I remember giving some to Kat Von D back in the day when she was 18 and tattooing me! At this point in my life (just reaching 30) I wanted to do something that filled my heart and was fun. I was heavily tattooed at that point and always covering up, and you know how that song goes, HOT summers SUCK with full pants and high collared shirts. I was sick of working for people that really didnt give a shit, it didnt interest me anymore and the good money didnt either. So with that, I just started crafting hair accessories again. I went to Michaels, picked up a bag of marabou feathers (as you see in the photo below) some curled goose feathers (which only came in two colors) and used an old pair of earrings. To date, I have the very first piece I made and have it framed on my wall along with a copy of my first wholesale check. I remember this shoot like it was yesterday. I took the photos, we kept it & simple fun, and just did something most were not doing. I use to do all the local craft shows and hustle my self into boutiques to do consignment. I would pound the pavement locally and then i got the first shop to take my items as a consignment. It was Skirt Chaser Vintage in Santa Rosa, CA. From there I opened an Etsy account on October 9th 2008. Etsy was very new, it probably just hit its first year! I had mostly horrible photos! I look back now and slap my forehead, what was I thinking!?? October 2008, I just started doing crafting at home and then........my husband was laid off! Now, both of us are sitting unemployed and jobs were starting to get TOUGH to land, we had just hit one of the worst economic times in history, and it was horrible right?? Well, 3 months later my husband and I split up and I moved back to LA. Then 3 months later something AMAZING happened, a SURPRISE!!! I was pregnant with my daughter Memphis. Talk about crazy timing, but she came around to help me and my husband and forced us to push through everything. She was a motivation that I NEVER had before. She was literally my little angel :) I then landed my first wholesale by pounding the pavement in Burbank CA with a little portfolio of my work. I landed Unique Vintage which I had for about 3 years. I no longer sell to them due to them copying my veils and a few other business practices that I would never agree with. Again, ones honestly & integrity is sometimes the only thing you have, and I hold it very near and dear. I am giving the polite version of course! Anyways, pushing forward....I moved up north in 2009, Kept working from home, had my baby girl Memphis, she was the best thing every to happen to me! At that point, working from home with my little one, I split her room into halfs so I could do my crafts in part of it. I was very small and honestly, it was a crafting gig at this point. We moved again, and again and again. My husband landed a job FINALLY and we purchase a home. Things seems to be getting better, and then BOOM! My husband was fired 2 days after the birth of our 2nd daughter in 2012. Talk about SHITTY timing to be fired! New home, new baby with a toddler...Yea, not an easy time. But... Though all the rubble, tears, fights, heartache and defeat, I kept pushing. WE kept fighting to make our life what we want it to be. My company (and I say company now because it isnt a hobby, it is my source of income to support my family) out grew my home and I rented out my first space in 2012. It felt good to be able to leave home and work and try to separate my self from the two. But, I literally live an breath what I have created. I often call it my 3rd child! I know this is long, I have never really put my heart out there this. It is very scaled down version. I didnt want to put it on a blog, I would rather say it direct to you all as I am very directly connected to my page :) I can say, I LOVE doing what I do. I have never taken a regular job to off set what I wasnt making. I just kept pushing (of course with some tears and anger) but I kept pushing. I have dreams, things I want to accomplish with what has been created and I have always had a goal to one day WANT to be vintage. I have an amazing support system with my family and friends and they all believe in me, even when I dont. They help me with that extra push when I dont have it, and I am sooo thankful for that. I hope this didnt scare people off to read but that is a sum up of me and where I came from to be where we are today. If anything, I hope I can inspire a few. It is all possible with persistence and hard work and a good group of people who believe in you. Love ya all!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 19:04:19 +0000

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