I am concerned with the way we as Zambians are acting especially - TopicsExpress


I am concerned with the way we as Zambians are acting especially with regard to politics. I was there when FTJ and the others were starting with the then Movement for referendum to change the constitution which was preventing multi-parties in Zambia. I could re-call FTJ being called the Moses of Zambia. A few years later, the same FTJ became the poison that people did not want in Zambia. Then time came for King Cobra as he was called, many people wanted this man, I have not been in Zambia for over 17 years, but following the news, I could tell that many people wanted King Cobra. Now I do not understand how FTJ died pre-maturely for Zambians. Do we really spend time to evaluate our performance in politics, in our economy, in education etc? if we have, with which country are we comparing ourselves to? “Umwana ashenda, atasha nyina ukunaya” I have lived in Mozambique 13 years; I have seen how that country’s economy has been growing very fats. Jut at this point in time when the economy is growing, the opposition is now preparing to wage war against the ruling party and that will not affect those people at the top as much as it will affect the poor people in the communities. For as much as I like the opposition parties, I also would emphasize that opposition MUST lead to development of our country. Therefore, I will support constructive opposition. I am very un-happy with most of the opposition going on as at now. For as much as people like HH and Chipimo, there also others who like MCS. We will never have all the people liking one person at all. If any leader want to be loved by the people, then this leader must follow the Biblical principal of leadership…..2Ch 10:7 And they spoke to him saying, If you are kind to this people and please them, and speak good words to them, they will be your servants forever. If the reason for being in the opposition is because of tribal reasons, selfish desires, then I think that is wrong. Constructive opposition must be with bias of any kind. If Zambia is the country we call home, then it’s time we protect the development of this country regardless of who is in power. We put them there and we can remove them from there if they are not protecting the interest of our Nation. Let’s criticize policies and not people, let’s discuss ideas and not personalities. If any of my enemies have a good policy or idea, I will take the idea even though I may not like the person through who the idea is coming. Lets focus on developing our mother Zambia.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 06:39:06 +0000

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