I am constantly looking at other products....Other ways to improve - TopicsExpress


I am constantly looking at other products....Other ways to improve on the farm and my protocols for caring for all my critters... No new idea or thoughts are ever (pardon the lingo) poo-pood... ....I realize there are some age old methods...tried and true...Much like back in the early days when just one form of Anti-Biotic was good enough...But as with the antibiotics....times change.....Now I think we would all be hard pressed to count the different type of antibiotics that have been developed..Dont even get me to talking about Vitamins or supplements for humans....How many bottles of pills, extracts, powders, potions and lotions are in your cabinets...? And to make my case with regards to using AquaZyme Plus in your farms protocol...I am constantly amazed at the other ways people find to cool animals off...(Besides of course the shelters, fans, misters....etc..etc..all good things to have and utilize yes..) but when it comes to working from the inside out to ensure the health of your animals...whether its Alpacas, Llamas, LGDs, Poultry (all of which receive AZ-Plus here on a daily basis and have for over 8 yrs now) ..Why wouldnt a person who has invested their blood, sweat, tears and God knows how many hundreds or thousands of dollars on their passion use The Best Product on the market..... Yes I have heard of folks using Salt Licks, Chilled Bananas, Cold Goats Milk, Cold/Frozen Chicken Broth, Frozen Meats, etc..etc..you get my drift...All good things of course..... But again...I am talking about using a product that is 1- Water Soluble...all animals drink...so you know if you put it in their water they are going to drink it.....2 - Contains the highest quality ingredients..so no worries on your animals metabolizing and utilizing all the beneficial ingredients for optimum health and vitality...and 3 - and to me the most important aspect of why I cant understand why anyone who loves their animals would not use this product PEACE OF MIND....I can look outside at my critters...during the heat of the day...95 degrees and 80% humidity and know that they are Hydrated with the electrolytes, They are digesting the feed, hay, Dog Food, Chicken Scratch, Frozen Meat.......etc..etc... whatever you are feeding them with the probiotics ...and naturally all living things benefit from Trace minerals....Proper body function and optimum health ESPECIALLY during the Heat/Cold, Parasitic issues, any Stressor they face if they are at the peak of their health....They can withstand or overcome all these things....To me that is called PEACE OF MIND.... I know folks are wary of using a product they have never heard of and Ive documented the long and successful history of this product in another thread you can find on here.....But I just hope more folks who love their animals as much as I do will take the time to try this product and eventually have the peace of mind that I have....Invaluable..!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:24:25 +0000

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