I am doing a little series for some of my higher rank leaders and - TopicsExpress


I am doing a little series for some of my higher rank leaders and thought...YOU KNOW WHAT...this is something good for everyone to read. I am writing this in relations to our YL businesses, however, I think anyone can learn something from this....its about conflict. Enjoy. Conflict Series: Part One Ok. Lets talk when there is conflict between you and members in your downline or upline, OR how to deal with OTHERS who may have issues in your organization with one another. Unfortunately, this is something that we are all going to face as we go down this journey. It is what it is. Many want to run from it, avoid it, ignore it, or maybe even change organizations or write someone off and never speak to them again. Well, this just isnt good. People are people, and as long as you are in this business, or ALIVE for that matter, we have to learn how to work with people. People are all different. We have to learn how to deal with people who may not think or act like WE THINK they should. HMMMMMM. Lets start there. FIRST, when dealing with this type of business we are in, we have to understand that EVERYONE under us, is NOT our property. They are in fact, their own independent distributor. We have to be okay that people may want to do things differently than we may do it. Does it hurt the pride a bit? You betcha, because WE THINK we typically know best...right? Well, we have to lay the pride down and do all we can to support the other member. THAT is what we are called to do in this biz, all the people under me in my personal organization are not my PROPERTY, but it IS my responsibility to encourage and inspire and motivate them and help them in any way I can, IF they want my help. Early on when I began this journey, my sweet friend Anna Wight wanted to do things a bit differently than how I was doing things. I enrolled her, she was actually my first enrollment, and guess what...she had a different vision. Well, that is 100% A-OKAY. Did it sting the pride for a second? I would be telling you a lie if I said it didnt, but you know what? My friendship with her was WAY more important, AND for her to be successful, she HAS to execute HER vision. It is NOT my job or your job to make people do things your way, it IS my job AND your job to help your team members find what THEIR vision is, THEN encourage them to go after it. I believe that we need to understand that when someone wants to do something different, its a VERY POSITIVE thing. We want to get defensive, state why we are right, roll our eyes, but we need to be cheering them on, giving them a huge high five and asking what we can do to help them on THEIR journey. Listen. I am learning this all along the way, so dont think I think I have this all figured out, but I do hope that my mistakes, and issues I have dealt with so far on this journey, can help you find resolutions quicker than I did. I am going to do a little series on this because I believe there is a LOT to be said about it. I read one of the most amazing devotions on the way to Hawaii and believe the Lord really spoke to me about some things that I need to deal with correctly in regards to conflict. So be watching for another post tomorrow. I pray this helps you in some way. Instead of looking at the situation as the OTHER person is wrong, look at the situation and say, HOW can I maybe be at fault a bit in this situation, because 99.9999% of the time, both people in conflict have things they need to be working on. Conflict stinks. Conflict keeps you from being your best. Conflict CAN if handled correctly be a positive step to growth. Tomorrow we will talk a bit more about that. Love you all.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 00:15:12 +0000

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