I am far from fighting as vehemently as Harriet Tubman or - TopicsExpress


I am far from fighting as vehemently as Harriet Tubman or enlightening the masses as Angela Davis, but I know what injustice feels like. As a child, I learned about Emmett Till and never forgot the image of his innocent face. I remember being taught to believe the allegations against him were valid, but now-- thanks to social media, the camera work of a public park, Ramsey Orta and vigilant citizens-- we know much better. We are charged, we are re-educating ourselves. As we grow and learn, I am taken aback at the number of people who cannot sympathize. The amount of people who still argue if you didnt break the law, you wouldnt be in jail or america isnt racist, it was just pro-slavery. My friends, the he/she deserved it argument is the argument I implore you to re-examine. Lies have become the norm to excuse murder. The family of Tamir Rice have to bury their 12-year old son because of this failed system. I dont care what you believe, whether youre pro-radical, or pro-police I challenge you to watch the video of this childs murder and try to convince me he deserved it. The countless videos disproving the super human or thug actions alleged by murderous cops should be enough to stop the violence. But they are assured protection from these recent non-indictments. So it continues. What does the future of mankind hold? We cannot continue to live in fear of each other. Fear manifests into hate, and hate has gotten us nowhere. I hear about people hatefully spitting on protestors at die-ins and I am disgusted at the lack of compassion. How could you shame your fellow brother or sister for demonstrating their rights? The system manufactured our false preconceived notions, The system made unity difficult because when you separate the majority, its easier to control. We are bigger than The system. We have hearts that love, and minds that connect. It will take time but we need to infiltrate the system to break it. We are strong, smart, and determined. Be the change and raise your children to be the same.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 08:29:33 +0000

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