I am getting sick and tired of seeing everyone post about PETA =.= - TopicsExpress


I am getting sick and tired of seeing everyone post about PETA =.= Do you people who follow PETA honestly believe you are doing anything good? that you are doing anything that is promoting Animal Rights? That what they are doing is justice? What I see is people who are blindly following a murderer. PETA is nothing but a false prophet leading lambs to the slaughter. Do not be misled by their actions and their advertisements. PETA hurts more than they actually help anyone. You want to be an Animal Rights Activist? Then actually ACT upon it. Do you think Protesting and Picketing will do anything? Do we really still need to rely upon this violence? Just what are you fighting for? Do you honestly believe that Protesting against Sea World and Ringling Bros. will save animals? Do you honestly believe that Protesting against Zoos and Animal Shelters will prevent animals from being put into cages? Aquariums, Zoos, and Circuses are ALREADY suffering financially as is! So stop attacking them for what they are doing! These three things are bringing about information that if you protest into extinction then OUR FUTURE generations will be at a disadvantage! PETA only ever thinks about the now, but never have they ever thought about the FUTURE. Instead of pointing fingers and spreading blame and slander! Instead of picking up Signs and Cardboard and Markers to Spread Volatile Comments! Why not pick up a Pen and a Paper and Start a Petition? Why not come together and come up with a SOLUTION! If you are not a part of the solution then you must be a part of the PROBLEM. The PROBLEM is NOT Animal Abuse, but you who think that standing around an establishment and name saying will get us anywhere! If you are about PROGRESS then move FORWARD! Think about how in the future our kids and grandkids and great great great great grandkids will never ever know how a Lion or a Rhino or a Cheetah looks like in real life! Think of how many Zoologists, Biologists, Marine Biologists, ETC. were inspired to study our furry, scaly, feathered friends by visiting the Aquarium or the Zoo or the Circus when they were a child! Think of the multitudes of children who will be DENIED to see the mystical creatures that roam, fly, and swim upon our beautiful home. If you will not look to the Future, and see how devastating our actions today will be, then look to how you are going to KILL the lives of THOUSANDS of Americans who WORK at these places! Think of how hard it was for you to FIND A JOB! Think how hard it was for these people to get a JOB! In this economy, Getting a Job is worth MORE than a diamond ring! Do not Chastise the people who work there because that is how they were taught, and that is how they teach! Instead of attacking why not help! Why dont you HELP in finding a much more better way! Why dont you HELP others so that none may suffer? I am sick and tired of seeing so many people put these people down. They are HUMAN just like you and I are. They are Flesh, Blood, and Bones just like you and you and you and you. What if they dont know any better? huh? Like I said, finding a job is as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. These people are trained to do this. They probably have no clue that they are hurting the animals. How do you even know what the animals are thinking or feeling? Do you have conversations with them on a daily basis? Are you able to walk up to the animal and ask it how are you today? No you cannot. You feel it. You feel when an animal is sick, or if the animal is sad. You Sympathize with it. You will never really know what is on the mind of an animal. You will never really know how an animal is going to act. But we DO know how HUMANS act. How HUMANS FEEL. We can walk up to our fellow man, and communicate with them. Even if they speak another language! So instead of raging against people who are just trying to make a living, why not reach out to them and help them? Help them to help our cause! War! What is it good for?! Absolutely NOTHING! Instead of picking a fight with our brothers and sisters! We should be HELPING THEM! Help them to understand that NO you cant do this because it hurts them this way, or NO you cant do that because that is not in their nature. Help them to help us. You want Animal Rights? Look to the times of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Black Panthers. Do you know who was pushed forth as Heroes? Rosa Parks for her defiance and MLK for his Dreams. Do you know who was casted as the Villains? The Black Panthers and their heinous crimes. Do you know what got so many people to come together and unite as one under one banner called life? Passive-Aggressive Protesting. They were not causing riots or spreading lies. The young African Americans at that time were not saying Its the white mans fault. NO They just wanted their freedom and their Natural Born Rights. Do you know what you are doing right now? You are BLAMING these establishments and saying it is their faults. You are doing the OPPOSITE of PROGRESS! Do not fight against our fellow man who just wants to show to our future generations Animals that they will never see in person, but Stand by them and make a brighter future for both Man AND Beast.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 09:40:33 +0000

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