I am going to write a piece on how immediate our lives are. On how - TopicsExpress


I am going to write a piece on how immediate our lives are. On how quickly we respond, without really listening or paying attention simply because its what we are used to. Think of blog writing. You write something and hit publish and just like that: its a thing in the world. Texting. Posting our thoughts as we have them on Facebook or Twitter. Posting our food on Instagram. As we are chewing it. Its what we are used to. I think however, that we need to pause more. Last month when I was going through the ectopic pregnancy, so many people emailed me to say congratulations. Now, I understand that people didnt know what it was. (Its an awful thing. The pregnancy cant survive and it can be life threatening to the mother), but having seen the word ectopic before pregnancy and the fact that I wrote words like pain complications etc in the same sentence, it struck me as a sign of our times that people wouldnt look it up to double check before they sent a congratulatory message. I was not, nor am I, upset at those people. I do the same thing. Everything existing in the immediate. I am a fan of living in the NOW, in the moment, and all those other wonderful ideas surrounding being present. That isnt what I am talking about. I recently starting teaching my workshops at a rehab. Its the most rewarding and fulfilling job I have had besides working with kids with special needs. Do you know how many messages I have gotten asking me if I am in rehab myself? A lot. I posted the word rehab and thats all people saw. They missed that I work there, that I teach yoga/writing workshops there. Im glad for this. Why? Because its making me look at my own life, at my own patterns, at how I oftentimes dont pay attention or am already on to the next thing. What I am saying is I need to slow down. Maybe we all do. Another side note that I thought I would share is this- at first when I got texts asking me if I was in rehab, I panicked. For about 5 minutes. OMG, I am NOT in rehab and people think this and bla bla bla. Incessant Internal Chatter.... I.I.C. Literally 5 minutes later it dawned on me that I didnt care what they thought. Not in a bad way, in the way that felt liberating, like I was shedding the cloak of what will they think finally. And shedding that cloak feels good, it feels like you can get up in the morning and be who you are without explaining and justifying. So for today, and everyday really, join me if you want in slowing down, in paying attention, in losing the IIC (incessant internal chatter) and in shedding the cloak of What Will They Think. I know its a lot for a Saturday but my guess is youve had your coffee by now so lets do this. Heres to Pausing. Love you guys, xo Jennifer Pastiloff
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 20:57:44 +0000

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