I am hasib kashan live in Holland I have written my self - TopicsExpress


I am hasib kashan live in Holland I have written my self experience to let you know about the Ahmadiya gang .They have kidnaped my child and now I am not able to meet my child by self .The courts here are asking me to go to Ahmadiya moske to meet ur child but I have asked them that I have come to know about there fraud and misleading so I applied for joint co ouder rights for my child without the interferrence of Ahmadiyaa community . Please pray for me May Allah save Pakistan and its innocents people who have like me fell a prey into these so called rilgious ruleers.An example. Of Ahmadiyya leadership is like a real incident that was happend in Lahore zoo that a gorilla in cage, to whome people come to see him but even behind baars of jail gorilla attacked on a mother ,grabbed her child from her and killed him that she was picking like their leadership is prisoned in his proud and have forgeten every sense of humanity but people see him like model of love but inside he is inhumen .This example was happened to me by following ahmadiyya movment.When I come so close to him in my innocent and seeing him the my savior but instread in my unawareness he harmed me .The details of this incident are as under. Answer to question I do not follow the decision of courts that I can meet my child in Ahmadiya mosque ,I have apealed against this I will explain its resons and our relgious background . Ahmadiya movment is leaded by a man known as Caliph.Their Founder demand to belief people that Christ has re came in my shape to re guide Muslims.In Pakistan their this belief over Islam is known to be false and there is a national law against such beleif and it is known that they have devided and troubled Muslims. I was born and grown up in a familly who have strong beleif in Ahmadiya Caliph.We were taught by them that we are the only people who are true moslims and Pakistani Government law against us is wrong.Because of this sanctions and other conflicts caliph has been moved to London since 1984. So in this environment I was grown up and have learned the professional education by goverment schools and religious education by Ahmadiyya movement.I used to listen to the address and friday sermons of caliph.He became a model man for me I was impressed by the words he spoke and I wrote letter to him.I devoted my self and worked for Ahmadiya movement.When I have given them my self with my knowledge and abilities after this to next I felt my self uncontrolled.I was being controlled by some else who was forcing me to do what he wills. The Caliph started to teach in a way that I was eating poison in shape of sweet.He let people to saw a dreams of paradise full of facilities and to be caliph like him.So in Pakistan I had serious stress by these people.The teaching of Ahmadiya as I have self experienced are different with the teching of islam.They had modified and devised the meanings of Quran for their own purpose.Because they have failed to prove their techings So they use the name of islam for their movement and defame it ,like they are foiling on something to hide.The result of this misleading caused many life to destruction. I faced from other people jealousy hatered and hypocracy from closed ones.I judged that he made me point of his hatered to acquire and occupy my position ,to disgrace me into the eyes of my knowned person by forcing my mind to walk on the ways that I have never supposed to be .He used his addressess to move my mind like a machine of time after he has sent me in the past into 1400 years before by telling stories of Islam.They grabbed the qualities that I used to had.I noticed that the nature of such people who have received chairmanship from his forefathers in property is to lead people on the way they want whatever the way is.They interfere and force famillies ,people to obey them and then with their selfishness they play to their emotions .It became clear to me that Ahmadiya movement was not the real Islam that I knew the islam of 1400 years ago as I had beleived.I was dishearted and became sad,quiet and alone.No one in this movement has power to say any thing against the actions of caliph what ever they may be and no one there even has dare to call a spade a spade.If any one say against him ,he is called psychic sik.I never told to anyone what was going with my heart because I knew they would call me psychic sik as they are blamming me now But I can not remain quiet now Its a matter of my and my childs life and security. In those circumstances I was engaged with th daughter of my cousine in Holland by arrangement of mine and her elders .She asked me again and again on telephon why are you so sad but I did not told her about this.I managed my life and thinkings by rehabiliation my self and came out of sadness and stress by my own and was hopfull for good future.But here again I was opressed by relatives of same kind of nature that I had faced before but now I have great loss. When her father complaint against me to Head of Ahmadiyya movement he without setting any office to enquire about the matter between me and her,He spoke against me. He again by his wicked nature took miss use of my blind innocent faith on him and harmed my home and caused to separate me from my child and wife.He again mislead me and threaten me by in the way that I was invincible to damage myself without being in concious. They have destroyed my life by cheating and in reaction what they have faced my anger bcause of their cheating they are accusing me of aggression ,upon what I am proving and explaining their character, they are calling psychic sik.I will say that these are their characterstics not mine. It is not only I am the victim of this movement.There are many other people who have been forced to depart from their famillies and near ones by these so called religious movements. I protest against such group who are doing this propegenda in the name of God .They are washing innocents brains with their selfishness ,who have beleifed them only for God.Their desire of rulling mixing religion with politics and their own science is totally unacceptable.They will trouble many other like they have troubled my life, because without this their game and dramma cannot further move. I have faced great deception from them two times. So it is proved and concludes to me that religion belongs to words of God that are in the holy book of God that their followers has proved and experinced with truth and not to any one desired purposeful words.The laws in Gods book may be burden for such people who try to practice and want to prove them on their lives and to be the person that has acheived God bless but could not be so they take support to devised their self weished meanings which leads them to their selfishness rather to be the blessed one.They should know that there is no compulsion in relgion and they cannot achieve God blessing by force or modification.The exact religion is that which has definate book of law commanded by God, so people can reffer and confirm their matters in such cases but in Ahmadiyya movment the Caliph is owner of black and white.He is knowned to be all in all in his office.To err is human,He is also human than how can he prefer and obtain only his desires meanings before the commands of God and so cannot justice and inclined towards his wills or to his flatter and the people who are near to him. The demand of other party to send this decision back to moskee is like jews has demanded to Roman Government for jezus to crucify him in their custody.So now on the balance of proof I will ask courts to protect me and my child from such so called misleader and beliefs and provide us a place where I and my son can Meet till we develop a love bond of Father Son relation And he get use to come close to me as he is too little 2 years and 7 month old and 9 months before I havea chance to met him .He is my blood and he knows me and my position. But it requir some time that is essential to meet my son under supervision bij courts so concerned persons have no objection . I asked to her mother to protect him and keep him away from Ahmadiyya Comunity and movement till he is in her custody. I have demanded from her mother to keep him away from Ahmadiyya beleif,community and leader. As they have troubled my life I fear that the may not harm him .
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:05:20 +0000

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