I am hitting national and international labor leaders hard because - TopicsExpress


I am hitting national and international labor leaders hard because they are building structures for unions that mirror global corporations and that brings a profit over people result. I shout to act globally but build union structures locally-----it is the only way to keep unions grassroots and doing their jobs for labor. A friend who is anti-union made the comment that unions put businesses out of business which is the common argument....I responded below. What is hurting unions today is that in trying to keep union organizing rights they are throwing out the bathwater----their membership. So, the International Steelworkers union makes an international deal to keep 2 of 5 steel mills open and the 3 others are allowed to crash and burn with no representation or voice and the union is allowing these steelworkers to lose the pensions and benefits with no legal support to save them. Now, those workers are anti-union. So, when unions support global corporations and Clinton neo-liberals they are supporting these conditions. The UAW knew the massive subprime loan fraud and the financial arms of these auto corporations were heavily involved in these subprime fraud are what caused GM for example to fall close to bankruptcy. Rather than pressing for subprime loan justice UAW allowed its membership to be busted to poverty wages at $14. Fuel speculation was used to implode airline and trucking corporations into bankruptcy and that kind of speculation should have been outed as illegal. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW TRUMKA TO PARTNER UNIONS WITH GLOBAL CORPORATIONS JUST TO SAVE UNION RIGHTS----LABOR CAN WIN BACK THOSE RIGHTS IF THEY ORGANIZE AGAINST CLINTON NEO-LIBERALS AND TAKE BACK THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR THE 80% OF LABOR AND JUSTICE! Steve, trucking companies often went bankrupt because of the soaring gas prices we had for two decades caused by Wall Street speculation. Wall Street used the market to implode corporations into bankruptcy deliberately to shed unions and contracts. That was what the airline bankruptcies were about as well-----high airline fuel imploded the earnings of airlines and union contracts were busted in bankruptcy. So, it is not unions and their contracts that kill business----it is Wall Street and global markets.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:05:18 +0000

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