I am not a big fan of Resolutions, having made many myself over - TopicsExpress


I am not a big fan of Resolutions, having made many myself over the years and usually failing to keep them after about 37.5 days (or 2 days on really rough years). This past year I have been focusing on the small things in life, realizing that most of our lives are made up of these small decisions or actions. When I failed at a Resolution it was usually not from lack of desire, it was from trying to make too large of a change at once. Then when I failed, I would beat myself up over it. Call it negative self talk or whatever you want. Whatever it was, it did not do much for my self confidence. Now, not all of us are wired like this. For those of you who can step up to most any new challenge and find success, congratulations, this is not written for you. This is written for those who struggle with succeeding at even small positive behavior changes in life. So the small change I am working on now is taking The Dog for a early morning walk before anyone else gets up. Will I do this every single day? Probably not. The walk is as much for me as it is for the dog. She needs to get out and I need to breathe in the cool (or right now cold) morning air and be reminded to be thankful for this life and all that I have been given that truly has value. It is this small act of being thankful that gives me a bit more confidence as I go through my day. Confidence to take on slightly larger challenges, knowing that I will likely fail at times. Its how I choose to respond to the failure that determines my future success. Huh, sounds remarkably similar to a Life Lesson that I have been trying to teach my son who has much of my perfectionist personality and a fear of failure. Guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree...
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 04:30:55 +0000

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