I am not engaged (or planning on getting engaged in the near - TopicsExpress


I am not engaged (or planning on getting engaged in the near future!) But this article says everything I have tried to say to people for years. ESPECIALLY this: Some peoples solution to the growing divorce rate in America is to find out who you are and get what you want in life before you enter marriage; that way youre never left guessing whether you couldve had more during your marriage. I hate this view. It makes it seems like you have to have everything together before you get married, like marriage is a halt to your ambitions, stopping you from doing what you want and becoming who you need to be. Love is not an end. It is continuous, encouraging and cultivating us to be more in this world. Love, when expressed in its greatest fashion, is meant to encourage your dreams, not stifle them. Yes, yes, and yes. People need to seriously stop talking about love and marriage as if they are things that prevent you from achieving your ambitions and goals as an individual. This is so incredibly untrue that it pisses me off. Whether you are talking about a romantic relationship, a friendship, or a familial bond, being with the people you love pushes you to achieve your goals more than anything else in the entire world. I am so happy to have these kinds of people in my life. Without them, I would not have the courage to go out and pursue my less-than-conventional dreams and ambitions the way that I am. I owe all of my achievements to the people that I love for SUPPORTING me and PUSHING me to be the best person I can be. Grow together and achieve together people! Stop hatin on love!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:50:28 +0000

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