I am not nearly as comical and witty as my saintly wife Tamara. - TopicsExpress


I am not nearly as comical and witty as my saintly wife Tamara. However, I feel like it is time for an update from the scotch Isle. Tamara has been excelling at her job. Tales of her work adventures keep me laughing late into the night. Family, I promise there is no greater nightcap than one of Tamaras tales of her (daily) Marriott adventures. A man who finds a wife with laughter like a ray of sunshine; and a heart gentle as uisge beatha (gaelic for water of life or Whiskey) shant ever, no matter what the weather brings, suffer a cold home. So that you may join in our laughter observe the attached link. Tamara and I find this video to quite accurately articulate her disposition after her shift: https://youtube/watch?v=64zdzCzHrSA Tamara is also getting ready to begin her first term of graduate courses in January! She is going to be working towards her Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology over the next few years. She has been reading me her textbooks and (from what I retain ;) ) it is quite intriguing. We would appreciate your continued prayer for her as we begin this exciting journey together. My first term at the University of Aberdeen concluded last week. I have two more terms (spring classes and summer research) remaining before completing the programme. My Professor is wonderful. The classes are engaging. The scholarship is unparalleled. The course work is riveting (at least for me ;) ). Therefore, overall, I could not have asked the Lord to choose a better academic institution for me. Furthermore, Tamara and I have agreed to remain in the UK following the completion of this Masters of Theology programme so that I can complete a Ph.D.. The following factors have resulted in this decision: The quality and competitiveness of the Ph.D. programme; the wisdom of my advisor; Tamaras job and ability to complete her education remotely; local ministry opportunities, as well as a clear sense of Gods call. All of the changes, traveling, periods of homelessness ;) , praying, learning, growing and trusting God that has taken place over the last year has made us eager to follow His leading no matter what. We are so grateful that we have been blessed with family and friends that foster this in us. Thank you mom #2 (Alfreda) and grandma for raising a wonderful women of God. I have been so encouraged by Tamara over the last six years and I look forward to a lifetime of adventures. Thank you mom #1( Liz Thompson) for giving me the world but not letting me forfeit my soul along the way. Tamara and I have been blessed with a family to large to include in this update. However, I think that is a splendid problem to have ;). true as that is, though, please know that we love you all very much! We will be with you in the spirit of thanksgiving and prayer this christmas season and always. We look forward to seeing many of you in Aberdeen over the coming months. For those of you who cannot make the trip, we look forward to seeing you next christmas! Cheers for now! Warmly, Carlos and Tamara
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:00:35 +0000

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