I am not perfect, I probably have more skeletons in my closet then - TopicsExpress


I am not perfect, I probably have more skeletons in my closet then our graveyard. I have learned many hard lessons in my life time but one thing that I am proud of is that my parents taught me what is right and wrong and raised me to respect everyone and not judge people because of race, gender or if they are rich or poor. I have been involved with non native elections since 2010 when I first ran for a seat in the kent riding. I did work with all parties when I was in Indian politics from 1998 to 2008 which is the main reason why I continue to support NDP. Not in my wildest dreams I thought I would be running for any Provincial seat but when one of my non native friend from Saint John called me and recommended I try it, I remember telling him “are you crazy, I’m an Indian woman and my riding is liberal, my community is liberal, I dont have a chance”. He told me if I ran I could have a voice for my people that faced lack of jobs, lack of housing and lack of accountability and transparency. I have been voting since I was 18 years old, my parents would tell us “you have a right, use it”. They would not tell me who to vote for but my community was majority liberal so I too was die hard liberal. I voted liberal until I got personally involved in politics. In 2004 when my people voted me in to be their Chief, it was the best day of my life because I knew my people were ready to work with the other governments to end corruption and poverty in my community. What a big surprise I got or how naive I was. I made a promise to myself that I will never vote liberal again until they sincerely apologize to my people in my community and to all First Nation people in Canada that continue to live in poverty today. I have seen and personally experienced how they want to keep our people in poverty. I respect the green party with their fight against shale gas and speaking on environmental issues but as for First Nation issues they do not have much experience. In my opinion and from my experience in non native politics I believe the green party is there to split votes and make sure the liberals or conservative win. I strongly believe all environmental/natural resources developments should also include the Conservation Council with the decision making because they are none political and experts with the environment which is the kind of people we need to help us decide on our land and water. One of the main reason I continue to support NDP is because NDP will consult and accommodate my people on a Nation to Nation bases especially when dealing with shale gas or any other natural resource, and my people have a voice within the executive, and also, thanks to our leader the NDP has first hand experience living with us in Elsipogtog because they came and lived with my family during my campaign. I am a strong believer in consent from the First Nation communities and the local communities that will get effected if any development was to take place within that town/community/city. I believe if any party says they will stop or continue with shale gas without consulting with my people or the communities that will get effect is only dictating to us, something I do not support. I would like to share with you what I have been telling the Provincial government, the Federal government and SWN since June 2011 when I was escorted out of meeting at the Fredericton Inn when I went to my first protest with Dominic Cardy against shale gas: - “I am lucky because I am one of the few from my community that has the opportunity to be educated on the good if there is any, and the bad on shale gas. As of today I continue to be against shale gas, BUT, it is not just my choice alone and if I tell you it is then I am lying to you, there are over 3000 people in my community that you have to ask because we have not been asked as a community, a First Nation community at that!”
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 13:25:46 +0000

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